


Obtained: March 2013
Status: Active; Main
Worth: A lot
Notes: Asshole Necromancer
Creator: Chilla
Layout by Jayden   •   Image by Silkiefeathers


Domineering • Threatening • Determined

AgeTime of death Late 20s
SpeciesRodent Monster
Lawful Evil
Nightmare King
Primary Element
Mirror Plane, Kruigen
Secondary Element
Deceased - Nightmare

Please do not draw him as a dog. Thank you.
I encourage playing with his design, but I would rather not see canine thrown into it!

First appearances will show that he is a cold and cynical creature with goals that may seem very well out of his reach. His bitterness and hatred of the Gods of Kruigen drives him forward, and one cannot help but fear that he will achieve the end he so persistently strives for.
If one would dare spend enough time around him, his threatening and usually composed outward appearance is not all that he is. He will on the occasion let it show that he takes interest in the peculiarities of other-realmers, as he reaches to bring more of them into his undead army.
His generals have taken notice of times where he has allowed one of his underlings to disrespect him or someone else of higher ranking. However it is not a matter of being dull-witted that he allows it, as he easily shows how intelligent he is, but rather he sees what this underling had said or done to be humorous.

Was once the prince of a dying kingdom, he attempted to make a deal with a deity to save everyone. She ended up tricking him and put a curse on the land of his kingdom instead while claiming that she did exactly what he had asked for. He became angry with her and demanded she undo it and when she refused he threatened her child and was killed for his actions.

His feelings toward Deities is that they have way too much power and it's not fair for them to be able to do whatever they want whenever they feel like it. They are a danger upon everything in existence and should be snuffed out and if it requires to kill some mortals along the way then that sacrifice must be made for the greater good.

- Passive Aura; Zethrix possesses an aura that causes an overwhelming feeling of dread and terror just by being near him.
- Necromancy; He is skilled necromancer that has had countless years to master his magic, and he uses it often.
- Dream Manipulation; An ability he had from his living state, he has always been able to enter and control dreams of other creatures. At one point, it was used to help others sleep peacefully, but now it is to give nightmares.

One of his generals. Number doesn't always do what he's suppose to and is extremely hard to keep track of, but he gets things done... Eventually. If it wasn't for the fact that Number is the most dangerous of his generals he would have likely been gone a long time ago.
One of his generals. The go-to for when something needs to be done quick, questionable means aside. She is usually in charge of training and commanding his army, along with keeping those that dare to break rules in line.
One of his generals. Nearly always at his side Eightball is the only one he trusts to be his advisor, though he may not always listen to the advice given he trusts Eightball to do what's needed of him.
One of his generals. He considers her the most important of the generals and she is treated much different from the others as he is the least strict with her. The actual importance of her being in such a position of authority is debatable.

- His title of "Nightmare King" is self-proclaimed.
- He is known to sass Avahne, and no one quite knows how he gets away with it.
- Once in a while he becomes enthralled by the strange behavior of certain creatures and has been known to [harmlessly] follow them around.
- He has no power in the Physical Plane. Waking creatures have no need to worry about his presence. However, his aura will still affect anyone nearby.
- When reanimating creatures he will always alter their appearance in some way to make them match his own appearance. Call it egotism.
- He "harvests" abilities from creatures that he sees potential in. Meaning; he sends Avahne to kill them so he can add them to his army.

    Was once royalty of a kingdom considered a safe haven for creatures of all kinds. Each of these creatures were taught how to enter dreams and the inhabitants would watch over those that slept and protect them from nightmares and awful thoughts. Disaster befell the kingdom and a plague afflicted those who lived there including the king, Zethrix's father. Zethrix, along with many of the healthy inhabitants did all they could but to no avail, the kingdom was slowly dying. In a desperate attempt to save his home he called out to any deity that would listen and his pleas were heard by a trickster goddess. The two of them struck a deal that he hastily accepted and she agreed she would never have to collect their souls so long as he left the kingdom and never returned to it. He did as they agreed and left to the desert city of Skudul where he lived for a few years.

    Over time he began to hear rumors about a cursed land around the area where his kingdom was, he tried to believe that it was simply coincidence but curiosity got the better of him and he hired a group to go investigate the location where his kingdom stood. Though information about the area and what to expect about it was purposefully withheld. Only a single creature of the team returned and he was horrified at what he was told. The kingdom still stands, though the land around it has a time-defying barrier surrounding it, those that enter will live in the time and watch those of the kingdom die to the plague that befell it. Outsiders that stay within the barrier will fade out of existence if they do not leave before the time events reset.

    Zethrix quickly attempted to contact the goddess again and again but she never showed herself. Anger and hatred began to grow with each failed summon. He then began to search for the the goddess' lair, spending much time doing this until he did at last find it and confronted her. He demanded for her undo the curse and expressed his feelings toward what she did. She refused. He tried arguing with her but she grew incredibly irritated and threatened that she could just take his soul now and he'll never have to think about it again. He backed off temporarily to figure out how he could convince her to undo the curse, the best he came up with was to threaten harm on her child. She was quick to take his life, and as punishment for his bold actions she sealed his soul within a plane where he would never be able to pass on.

    So many years passed he was left alone and in the dark, his hatred toward not only her, but all deities rose with each passing day. He began experimenting with the magic that he possessed and found he could leave his prison if only by entering the dreams of another creature. By doing this he managed to find a way to gain power by feeding off fear, eventually he became strong enough to steal souls from the goddess. Given more time he learned that he was able to leech abilities from any soul that possessed magic-based power and started to collect whichever ones he felt were most useful. As his collection grew he learned how to reconstruct beings to a spiritual plane and then used them as soldiers to aid in his collections. This began the construction of an army to destroy the goddess that deceived him as well as any other deity that may exist.