
8 years, 2 months ago




Created: Jan 2013
Status: Active; Main
Worth: A lot
Notes: He gets an A for Effort.
Creator: Silkiefeathers
Layout by Jayden   •   Image by Silkiefeathers


Organized • Knowledgeable • Serious

SpeciesDeer Monster/FamiliarAlignmentNeutral Good
TitleRenegade MartyrPrimary ElementEarth
ResidenceAmerica, New YorkSecondary ElementDark
StatusDeceased - NightmareVoiceLink

One could call him uptight and that would perfectly describe him. Those that must follow his instruction must be very careful not to make any mistakes lest they be scolded harshly. It's easy to say that he is strict, but more fitting, a perfectionist. Sometimes it seems like he hates even the mere idea of fun as his mind is constantly on the tasks he must preform and planning ahead of things that are far from happening. It has been noticed that his being around Zethrix tends to draw out his worst qualities, and that when away from the king he is much more pleasant to be around, and less jumpy.

Eugene had initially come from a human world, a very long time ago. A portal to the realm of Kruigen opened one day, and curiosity got the better of him and he willingly went through. It didn't take long for his life to end, the realm is full of primal beasts and he was but a simple deer. Initially, his spirit roamed the foreign land until he started hearing a faint voice, as days went by the voice got clearer. He would speak to this voice, and eventually learned the name, Zethrix. As time passed the two become close, they spoke a lot and eventually Zethrix offered to give him life again. He accepted.

He had originally striven to hinder any and all of Zethrix's efforts as he never did agree with him. He was good at it too, fooling everyone into thinking he was on the Nightmare's side. All except for one. Night caught wind of what he was doing, and before she could catch him he escaped to another world. He has no idea what he should do now.

- Shadow Manipulation; The first skill he learned to use as a Nightmare, he is able to merge with shadows and move quickly through them. He uses it the most to phase through walls.
- Tactician; Careful, and well thought out plans are an absolute must for him. He will never tackle any task unprepared.
- Dream Manipulation; Standard for all Nightmares. He is able to enter  and control dreams of other creatures, he tends to do this only for the sole reason of learning about his subject.

"There was a time that Zethrix made sense, when we used to be friends. I don't know what happened.. When it happened. You're not the same anymore, and I cannot follow someone so hellbent on destroying innocents for an impossible goal."
She is another of King Zethrix's generals, and a ruthless brute. Eugene wanted to spend as little time as physically possible around her with her track record of turning against her allies.. Though he noticed it was only males she turned against.
Ugh. Number has been obnoxious since day 1, and Eugene cannot see why he even held the title of General. It cannot be denied that Number is useful though.. In some ways.
It makes even less sense for Zombie to be the second in command, does she even do anything besides rile Number up? It's hard to tell.
Zethrix was on the right track when taking away Alpha's voice, but it makes little to no sense why he stuck around as long as he did. Alpha always did everything he could to push every last button for all of us.. Except Number. Eugene hates Alpha with every fiber of his being.

- His shadow appears to have antlers.
- He is trans.
- At one point, he was a familiar to a witch, but that was a long time ago.
-He does not trust witches.
- He does not like being a Nightmare. At all.

"The fear scent you reek of would be enough to attract any Nightmare  currently in the Swamp Region. Calm yourself, I am not your enemy."
"If  it's his health you are concerned about, rest assure that his life is  in no danger. Although he may be feeling as though this is his last  breath."
"Are you certain you wish to leave, you know him  better than I but it's none too difficult to see that you are unsure of  what to do about him."
"My advice to you for the near future  is to keep by your mechanical construct more closely nearby so that  next time you may call for it, it will actually respond."
"I'm  curious. There was a time where you weren't the one picking fights with  him, why do you do it now? Is it not peace that you had wanted, or do  you just enjoy being the one to cause such chaos."
"I did  try to give you a choice, and as I predicted you are stubborn. Now I  need you to cooperate and I do promise you this is mutually beneficial  to us both."