Foxy || Anthro || Canine



7 months, 23 days ago


"Hey, I'm Foxy! Not a fox though... Actually, now that I think about it, I don't know what I am! Haha~"







BIRTHDAY 26th, October

GENDER ⚥ Nonbinary/Intersex


ORIENTATION ⬛️🟫⬜️🟪 Asexual/⬛️⬜️🟩🟫 Demiromantic



HEIGHT 5'9ft/175cm

WEIGHT 180lbs/81kg

SPECIES Anthro -||- Canine

RESIDENCE The Internet/Cyberspace


This is Foxy! A humerous cyber manifestation of the internet who has acted as the official FoxtersCorner fursona for several years now!



Foxy is just a silly, fun loving little guy. There's never a dull moment with them around and they're always up and at em'. Perhaps sometimes they're a bit too hyper though, like the kind of hyper that your neighbors would complain to the police about at 2AM because they're playing 'Just Dance' on full volume. To anyone who's (un)fortunate enough to meet Foxy and befriend them, they may be silly but are loyal to a fault. Call them crying at twelve in the morning? They'll be at your door with three pints of sherbert icecream and fluffy blankets then proceed to binge watch your favorite movies with you all night.

A generally lax fella which sometimes-- alright lets cut the crap, a LOT of times, leads to important information slipping their mind. They would be someone who goes grocery shopping one day and then the next day get in their car to see two jugs of spoiled milk because they forgot to take them inside when they got home.

They do whatever they want, whenever they want, however they want to do it.



  • Newton
  • Consuming media of any kind
  • Pranks
  • Cranberry juice
  • Hording unessecary things
  • Embarassing their friends
  • Touching things they definitely shouldn't


  • Spiders
  • Heights
  • Mornings
  • Sitting still for prolonged periods
  • Pungent smells
  • Party poopers
  • Spiders


  • PERSON: Newton
  • COLOR: Reddish-Orange
  • FOOD: Anything spicy or Italian
  • ANIMAL: Bees


Foxy is an anthropormorphic canine like animal and is a digital entity that suddenly manifested in cyberspace several years ago. Since then, they have expanded their reach across the vast expanses of the internet, always looking for something to entertain them. Foxy became a being that thrived off of consuming any kind of digital media; video games were the primary source of their engagement with the online world, however, they also found themselves exploring and becoming attached to many television shows and movies, online comic books, and short form content. Eventually developing a strange ability to be able to manipulate the very binary of the spaces they interacted with, they mostly used it to cure the frequent spurts of boredom they would experience. Experimentally using it to start off, which then evolved into it's usage for trolling. A result of incorrect usage could cause a corruption in a minor section of cyberspace, almost like a genetic mutation in a human body if cytosine were to bond with thymine instead of guanine. An incident like this did in fact occur, which gave Foxy a reluctance to use it ever since. What does capture Foxy's rapt attention most of the time though is through spending the days with their best friend, Newton, doing anything and everything together.




  • Foxy actually has a signiture weapon that they can manifest at will anywhere; this weapon would be a diamond sword from Minecraft with a singular Sharpness VII enchantment. To them it acts essentially as a souvenier from the very first piece of media they consumed, and they got so attached to it that they broke the code of the game in order to take it with them... Wait, what..? How did they do that? Psh, silly, we don't ask questions around here, don't sweat the details, alright?
  • Fun fact! Foxy doesn't just have completely black eyes, they're actually voids that you can stick your fingers through. I mean, you might lose them if you do but that's why I'm warning you now, right? Uhh.. You know, maybe it wasn't that fun, but it's interesting!
  • The reason Foxy's pelt is so messy is because they just keep it unkempt partly because they like it that way and partly because they gave up on trying to brush it a long time ago.
  • Foxy's ability to manipulate code and source code was partly inspired by Donquixote Doflamingo(One Piece)! Yeah uh... I honestly do not know how he inspired it to be honest but if you know Doffy then you probably understand like a little bit lmfao.


  • Way too good at getting into dumb situations(which Newton then has to drag them out of).
  • Is able to chug 17 glasses of cranberry juice in 1 minute and 47 seconds.
  • Can speak whale.. But like actually, not as a joke, they are just somehow able to speak whale.

Design Notes

  • Foxy was technically my first ever original character/sona I had. Their creation was sparked way back in 2016 when I used to play Xbox360 Minecraft; I used a skin that was designed after a Minecraft wolf and my Xbox tag was 'FoxytheFoxitain', hence why I named my canine fursona 'Foxy'. Personally, I think it adds to the character and sillyness that I'd like this character/sona to convey. So, with my Minecraft obsessed imagination and pen in hand, I eventually drew up my very first art of Foxy, which is now years old at this point, and actually it came in the form of a comic book, lol... But eventually, it took off from there and Foxy just became what I used to represent myself most of the time. So, if not for Minecraft, Foxy wouldn't exist!
  • The patches/pins on their 'lore accurate' design are essentially like 'marks' of any of the media which Foxy has consumed. Every time they consume something new, a new one appears. However, they do not always wear all of them; instead, they keep most of them in an overflowing drawr that they refuse to organize out of laziness. (Obviously though, that would be a pain in the ass to draw, so instead I have both a lore accurate reference and an artist friendly reference listed :])
  • Their appearance is always constantly shifting in slight ways, not so much that you would notice but enough that you'll definitely do a double take. This is due to them being a digital being that is able to alter code and that includes their own. So, whenever I draw them, they'll most likely always look a bit different! (Yes, this is a canonical solution to my style inconsistency, but also after realizing that this idea was sick as hell I decided I wanted to implement this into one of my characters)
  • Foxy is listed as 5 foot 9 inches, which, is not my actual height(I WISH lmao), but, I always imagined Foxy to be taller than I am in real life. They're kinda just a tall, lanky, scrungly, furry fellow.

Foxy's Palette





[Best Friend] Newton has been Foxy's closest and dearest companion ever since they were little; growing up together their bond grew exponentially and now they essentially act as each others' partners in crime. Both Newton and Foxy have the capacity for chaos, however, Newton is usually the one to keep Foxy in line when things get a little too out of hand. They'll go from wanting to murder the other to being willing to die for each other in a heartbeat; two pillars built on an unbreakable foundation of friendship. (NOTE: Newton belongs to my actual best friend SnazzyNewt!