


6 months, 25 days ago

Basic Info


Nonbinary (they/them)


Elf, artificial beastkin


~200 years old. Equivalent of around 30 in irl human age


Canary prisoner & soldier


The changeling

Symbolic animal

Maned wolf




Name is a tribute to Shut Hell bc of the hair <3 It’s mongolian for bessing.
They’re like a theater kid but it’s the bad timeline lol

Yurul is a caught criminal that now serves in a canary squad. They were the owner and organizer of an illegal beastkin fighting ring. They themselves have beastkin tattoos, and they’re rather… Unique ones. Because what Yurul seeks isn’t to become stronger like a bear or nimbler like a rat, no. They want to collect faces. It started out as curiosity, in the tattoos and the act of shapeshifting, and with the excuse that a double identity would be useful were they in need to disappear off the map to avoid prison.

Sealed under layers of magical tattoos are the souls of humans, kobolds and other elves, their personalities just barely locked away. Yurul has often needed to have their tattoos tweaked and other such maintenance, the strain of the souls on his mind and body sometime pulling them apart at the seams. They can be a rather unstable individual from it, being prone to mood swings and mania amongst others. They also have ocd! They have self-image issues, also partially due to harm ocd.

Rant about canon tattoo lore theorizing below spoiler

Here’s my analysis post on what we see of beastkin tattoos in canon, plus a buddy adding onto some relevant way to think of it

My issue with the tattoos is with how they’re all fullbody, with tattoos around the limbs and on the torso. I feel like if you get different tattoos for different souls they’d interfere with each other. But comparing Lycion’s tattoos and the tattoos of the other werewolf example in the beastkin sheet, there some differences so it seems like there isn’t only /one/ correct way to bind the souls with tattoos, which is also in line with how some people decorate their magical tattoos to try and obstruct their meaning. So beyond just visual flourish, maybe different tattooers have found different variations of what works.
So what I’m getting at is we don’t know how doable it’d be to seal different souls in one body with tattoos and have it work, but if it does I feel like it’d all have to be tied into one "layer" of tattoo if it makes sense, planned to be that way from the get go instead of slapping new souls into the person every few month. For example if you tried to put both werewolf and werebear tattoos on someone I feel like the chest tattoos would interfere with each other, buut maybe if the tattoo is planned in a way that seamlessly tie both patterns together... But maybe the tattoos can’t get negated by other tattoos at all ever anyways, who knows, this is just speculation. Nowadays I like the theory that the patterns don’t matter as much as the characters that are tied by lines, so I feel like it might be more doable than I initially thought… Especially if the patterns don’t need to like, represent artistically the essence of the souls lol, like ok stripes for tigers but what do I do for an elf.

A monster beastkin would be a bit of a loose canon I imagine, so they uh, try how they can to minimize the risk of the mission messing up. Fits into how the canaries squads are often seen as expendable too imo, since if they’re allowing this little security measures/this thin of a leash it’s that they don’t care that much if Yurul *does* go offscript and kill someone they shouldn’t or such. I think unless something big happens or we want to for plotting reason though Yurul hurting other canaries or that procedure not working won’t happen. Thankfully. But yeah there’s always some risk associated to it in lore imo, kinda like doing circus tricks with lions.

I was hesitant on making Yurul’s monster soul a harpy because of growing new limbs for wings and all, but if harpies’ wings are extensions of their arms and not extra wings that works I think, like how werewolves grow muzzles and fur and new leg joints. It’s said that being a beastkin/transformation puts a strain on the body so Yurul def isn’t healthy though

I’m approaching this all with the angle that like with ancient magic in canon in general, beastkin tattoos are a science and art that can be researched and have new breakthroughs made about them, which is what makes it fun to imagine how you’d design tattoos that contain different souls, and how it would all work. Cue me making my tattoo artist oc. My main theory is that the characters that are linked by the structure and framework of lines doing bigger patterns are what matters most with them, so I like the thought of Yurul simply having many collumns of those.

I’m thinking Yurul has a complex and prob an identity crisis type of deal. They want to be like… More y’know? They want to be everything, and be so big, always bigger and bigger and take up space and be seen, having multiple personas to be able to be the life of the party in as many situations and settings as possible, despite having an innate need for secrecy in their sphere of business. A people pleaser of sorts, ready to model themselves to people’s tastes, but has trouble forming bonds. They deny deny deny that they feel any loneliness ever and suppress everything which makes the problem way worse because then it’s subconscious so they just indulge in shitty coping mechanisms (getting more souls like it’s a new haircut).
They were disowned by their family when they got into illegal (non-beastkin) fighting, having a short run as a fighter themselves and being decently good at martial arts, they made connections in the business and with the money he’d already inherited started their own ring. The tattoos they started getting shortly after were initially meant to be easy to conceal, but as more and more tattoos piled up they could no longer wear short sleeves, and then eventually had to wear gloves.

But like if I’m making them a duo oc with my tattoo artist, one who’s researched into fusing human souls, then… On that end it’d prob be the classic eldritch "I want to know everything about the world that I can, everything achievable even if it hurts everyone and serves nothing good, for knowledge’s sake". And from the dark deep shit they research, and with them not having been caught yet, they truly make themselves into no one. Disappearing from a region only to pop up somewhere else with a fresh start. Making themselves as scarce and hard to find as possible, except for when they just so need a customer (a guinea pig). And oh Yurul was such a perfect experiment to see how far one could push…
By developing Yurul’s tattoo artist as a character, someone who’s researching how to fuse souls and how much you can push the limits of what’s possible with it, Yurul turned out to be somewhat taken advantage of. Like don’t get me wrong, Yurul chose to get these tattoos and these souls on their own, but obviously for unhealthy reasons bc they have issues™️ and obviously done impulsively without knowing what the consequences could be. So Yurul was a great guinea pig, one that started simple enough with other elf souls, then eventually a tallman, then a kobold, then an exotic animal, and then… A monster. Around then, because a monster soul is that much harder to seal and control, Yurul was caught by elven authorities because of an incident they caused, and the tattoo artist promptly vanished without a trace, assumedly moving on to somewhere new. Yurul is not only the first and only recorded (publically known, at least) person to have been fused with other human souls and multiple souls at once, but also with a monster. A harpy.

A monster beastkin shifting into their monster form is unstable by nature, unpredictable, gains powerful strength and abilities but at the expense of the human mind. Their colleagues in their canaries squad have different uniforms than usual, a cloak covered in harpy feathers, as a way to direct Yurul’s monster instincts. Harpies are very motherly and ferociously defend their young, is the one thing canon tells us after all. It’s a thin insurance that Yurul will behave in harpy form, that not only they won’t derail the mission by leaving the group or killing someone they shouldn’t, but also to give Yurul’s instinct driven mind a goal: protecting the canaries, and thus maiming any of their enemies.

Tldr they’re a tattooed beastkin with a harpy soul plus some others (yep, more than two souls!). They’re a canary now but they were the owner of an illegal beastkin fighting ring before. They were an heir to a wealthy elven house but they got disowned when they were found out and arrested. Think of them as one of those miserable billionaires. They struggle a lot with having a sense of identity and belonging, existential despair, loneliness and boredom. They want to be part of history, to be special, and they found like the worst way to do that lmao, saw beastkins as the owner so much that they got curious on how it’d be like to be More Than Just Themselves™️

Other dunmeshi ocs in the works: 

- tattoo artist,  gnome. Falconer and animal lover though lacks empathy. If I want to tie in my ocs with the canon plot/cast/timeline in some way I could have the tattoo artist take interest in Falin, as a human that accidentally got a monster soul mixed in with her, heard rumors about it or smth