


5 years, 10 months ago

Basic Info


Earthbender, skilled in metalbending as well.

Original fandom

Aang the Last Airbender / The Legend of Korra universe

Percy Jackson AU

Daughter of Demeter

Harry Potter AU

Gryffindor, quidditch player


"Violence is the last thing you should be reaching out to."

Name: Avara
Called: Ava
Gender: female
Age: 24
Race: Earthbender
Origin: ATLA fandom
Height: 174cm
Build: muscular yet curvy
Birthday: 16th of February

Avara was born into a family of an earthbender, Sehn, and a firebender, Nirra, with a much more colorful background than just that. Her mother, Nirra, left when Ava was seven years old. Both her and her father were upset about it, they struggled for quite a while, but then he met another woman, Taga, whom he married. She wasn't a bender, and was carrying a child from her previous relationship that ended up badly. Taga refused to speak about it, but all in all people knew she was abusive and abused at the same time. He accepted her into the family nevertheless, gave her love and attention, unlike Ava. She hated her new stepmother, just couldn't accept her presence. Had a phase of blaming her father, but that quickly changed, and her adolescent rage focused on the woman. The stepmother herself wasn't giving her new daughter any reason to be liked, in fact. She was posh, sometimes even cruel. Sehn confronted her about it multiple times and every time she promised to change, but no change was visible or even planned, so Ava was sent to her mother in Azulon for a couple of years. They didn't get along, so with a big boom Ava was forced to go back to her father.

In the meantime, Taga gave birth to a boy, Ren - turned out to be a firebender and has a fairly good relationship with Ava. Stepmother got pregnant again, with Sehn. Their kid, Maayan, was a nonbender just like her mother. She has a good relationship with Ava as well, because now a teenage earthbender has nothing to blame the kids for. In fact, she liked them.

As Avara was growing, her father made sure she was well-educated (even though their family couldn't really afford it) and trained her in bending as much as he could. But Taga did not approve and kept pushing the girl out. And so Ava packed again, this time moving out for good and on her own. She got a tiny apartament in the city and worked very hard to keep it.

At first she worked two shifts at a diner as a waitress, selling her handmade pottery from time to time. Ava had just enough money to afford her apartament and a semi-stable life, but the job drained her from her self esteem.
Due to her body, she was often harassed by clients, but her boss didn't move a finger, even encouraging it. He claimed that she was attracting clients, as well as he liked to look at her being teased. The line has been drawn when a drunken bender attempted to use blood magic on her. Other staff members were slow to react, but eventually they helped her out.

Ava quickly changed apartaments, as well as quit her job and, after a while of self-doubt, took up Pro Bending. Her team, Ice Thorns, were quite good, which ensured her a fair income. She trained hard, both to be a good bender and to never ask anyone for help when needed. She was a probender for almost two years, but it didn't really click. She loved it, but she didn't want to do that until the end of her life. She switched to making pottery for a while until she found a leaflet. A leaflet that offered a job at Jade Dragon Organisation, an organisation that helped out the new Avatar.

It was supposed to be a dope part of her life, that turned into a rollercoaster. She learned metalbending, made few friends and enemies, worked in a team and alone, doing generally badass stuff. Warmed up a bit towards waterbenders, thanks to an awesome leader and a friendly teenager named Isil. Made a frenemy, Moku, who teased her on daily basis, but she often teased him back. She also found out how much animals hated her.
There was also this earthbender, an almost wild guy that lived on the desert for his whole life, whom she happened to like. They became a couple, grew quite fond of eachother. She was feeling a bit isolated, and he helped her overcome this feeling. He had his own issues she cared to help him with, but barely had a chance; due to some unfortunate events, he thought she was cheating on him. This really hurt her, and when she was trying to explain, he hit her. That was another situation she couldn't bear anymore. Ava avoided him, although it was hard; they were working together after all. This is when she developed a complicated friendship with Moku, the firebender, and his waterbending friend, Isil.

Moku and Ava got closer and closer, ending up as an explosive couple. He is often drunk and can be quite heartless, while she is a soft and damaged thing, trying to make her way through.











  • shiny accesories
  • warm beverages
  • simple, layered clothing
  • open spaces
  • goofing around
  • silence
  • cold weather
  • waterbenders 
  • darkness
  • animals
  • strict rules and being under pressure
  • people using their statuses
- Her hair is extremely curly and thick, but she does not want to cut it. Instead, she often has it tied up.
- Isn't a big fan of heavy shoes or high heels
- Her sight isn't the best, the objects far away are blurry; wears glasses hesitantly
- Has a bird wings tattoo on her back, spreading onto her arms.
- Good at cooking
- Loves pottery & painting
- Quick to learn handcrafts and languages



[ mother ] Nirra is a free spirit, never staying at one place for too long, which is why she left her daughter and her husband-at-time. Highly social, often finds herself in some kind of trouble. Very unreliable, avoids taking responsibility and will gladly flee at any oportunity, she is also prone to starting fights of any kind. It is truly a miracle she had any relationship with Sehn, really. Her relationship with Ava is quite bad, because Ava truly despises her for being who she is. Nirra doesn't understand her daughter a tiny bit, and, if possible, would erase her existence. 



[ father ] Sehn is a good man, makes living by pottery and creating jewelry. Greatly enjoys outdoors. His earthbending skills are rather low, but he knows how to use it in self-defense or in creative way. Always tries his best, but he is a very tired soul, and although he may seem like a strong, firm man, he is, in fact, rather quiet. Is way better with clay than he is with humans, thus his relationships are rather poor, although he does cherish his little Ava. Those two get eachother just fine.



[ stepmother ] Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse sit amet massa blandit, fermentum enim a, scelerisque velit. Integer interdum urna ac dui sollicitudin sollicitudin. In feugiat posuere nulla, eget lobortis ante.



[ stepbrother ] Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse sit amet massa blandit, fermentum enim a, scelerisque velit. Integer 



[ half sister ] Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse sit amet massa blandit, fermentum enim a, scelerisque velit. Integer



[ grandmother ] Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse sit amet massa blandit, fermentum enim a, scelerisque velit. Integer 




[ grandfather ] Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse sit amet massa blandit, fermentum enim a, scelerisque velit. Integer 



[ grandmother ] Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse sit amet massa blandit, fermentum enim a, scelerisque velit. Integer 



[ relationship ] Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse sit amet massa blandit, fermentum enim a, scelerisque velit. Integer 



[ boyfriend ] Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse sit amet massa blandit, fermentum enim a, scelerisque velit. Integer 


Character Name

[ relationship ] Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse sit amet massa blandit, fermentum enim a, scelerisque velit. Integer 
