Abel Cordova (sacred heart)



7 months, 19 days ago




Literature, Film History, Ethics

Economies and Business, Political Science, Media and Communications, Sociology
Gardening "I heard they give you some of the extra food, so..."
Martin Field, Otto Heinrich
regular medical checkups?
regular counseling?

Can be found hanging around the common areas of the dorms a lot.



Martin Fielddc7fed75.gif?v=379361a4
Otto Heinriche4b14587.gif?v=379361a4

"Are you sure youre not just a vampire and haven't noticed yet? I did see you eating at the corpse of a wild pig 4:25am last night" 
"What if I have a vampire secret twin :O"

One of Abel's roommates! Abel likes Martin a lot! Especially how much of a pushover he is. He kind of forced this guy to be his friend and personal social buffer. Abel views their relationship as somewhat transactional, as he uses Martin as both a shield and a ticket into the social circles of other students.

His positive demeanor makes Abel a bit nervous, being entirely overwhelming sometimes.

Its not uncommon to find Abel hanging off Martin, following him around, or otherwise being a general nuisance Just because he can. "Ohh Marty lets me do anything to him. It's funny! Or worrisome! However you wanna see it."

Abel is Majorly touch-starved and so he doesn't have very good boundaries with physical affection regarding Martin.

"Well I have to be the token human, so lets theorize on what horrible horrible monster Otto is"
"...I am not a monster."

Abel's other roommate! One might call them mortal enemies, but Abel tentatively calls them pals. "My relationship with Clownfish is very complicated and our dynamic is a particular one!"

As a principle Abel doesn't like people who take themselves too seriously, but he doesn't actually have anything against Otto. Doesn't mean he'll stop bickering with him. It's just too fun.
"Well I have to be the token human, so lets theorize on what horrible horrible monster Otto is"
"...I am not a monster."

"Submit yourself therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you." 
Of course, don't expect him to help you with that.
"Well I have to be the token human, so lets theorize on what horrible horrible monster Otto is"
"...I am not a monster."

Abel's other roommate! One might call them mortal enemies. Abel thinks the guy is hilarious. This will not save him from a similar fate.

He doesn't want to run into that guy hanging around them.i5ODXkY.gif
For just a few moments, Abel will occasionally find himself resenting Otto. He doesn't think he has half the chance of making it through life that Otto has.

He often has to hold himself back from going too far in his arguments with Otto.
Neven Teshichccbfbcc7.gif?v=379361a4Lin Rozhie41aea537.gif?v=81248874

"Actually just let me go missing ill follow the lights back,"
"Again with the lights! Are you a moth yourself? Hehe!"

Part of Abel's little trio with Martin and himself. He views Neven as more of an equal than Martin only by account of how strange Neven is. Not even just the pure earnestness. He isn't sure if his behavior an act or not. "He might just be really committed to the bit"
"Actually just let me go missing ill follow the lights back,"
"Again with the lights! Are you a moth yourself? Hehe!"

Part of Abel's little trio with Martin and himself. He seems to have an odd attraction to Neven. They are something of partners in crime.

Often they are seen exchanging meaningful glances when Martin misses a point.

“No one can serve two masters, for either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other."

"I don't think about you at all actually"
"Perhaps that's for the best, I wish it was likewise in my case."

“And the Angel of the LORD said to Manoah, “Though you detain Me, I will not eat your food. But if you offer a burnt offering, you must offer it to the LORD.” (For Manoah did not know He was the Angel of the LORD.)“
“When Gideon realized that it was the angel of the LORD, he exclaimed, 'Alas, Sovereign LORD! I have seen the angel of the LORD face to face!'” 27b51df8.gif?v=5bf8fcf7
