Chenjin Jian



8 months, 13 days ago


陈金 建

Ultimate Historian

Chinese transfer student

Cisgender Female, She/Her

Jian loves history, of her own culture and of others. She spends hours a day reading up on and studying different cultures around the world, how they developed and their history, as well as historical events and what lead up to them. Her favourite places to visit are museums, and she gets excited about small things that most people wouldn't even pay attention to. Specifically, Jian adores human history, and she has less of an interest in natural history beyond its ability to explain the way that humans developed. Jian has done all sorts of small hobbies and activities relating to her passion for history, from Mudlarking to learning ancient latin to attempting to learn dying arts. Despite being only 17, Jian has dedicated so much of her life and time to her learning of history and has published multiple papers and articles about different elements of history, leading to her being recognised by Hope's Peak Academy for her skill and talent.

Jian is so passionate she will break out in rambles on topics that're only slightly related if even slightly prompted, and she struggles to read social cues to understand when is or isn't the appropriate time for her to express her passions. For this reason, Jian struggles to make and keep friends as she often seems very overwhelming to the people around her. This is especially the case as her passion for history also extends to the gory and morbid topics it includes. Jian is intended to be written as autistic.

Jian was given the English name "Jane" when she was younger, but she dislikes it being used. She considers it to be an insult to her, her cultural identity and her family.

Favourite Food: Tanghulu (糖葫蘆)

Favourite Drink: Sparkling Water

Favourite Colour: Gold

Favourite Animal: Lion

Favourite Music Genre: Beijing Opera / Peking Opera (京劇)

Loved Gifts: Adorable Reactions Collection, Old Timey Radio, Meteorite Arrowhead, Oolong Tea, Story of Tokono, Semazen Doll

Liked Gifts: Civet Coffee, Everlasting Bracelet, Scarab Brooch, Zanketsuken, Antique Doll, Sacred Tree Sprig, Bojobo Dolls, Gugelhupf Cake, Japanese Tea Cup, Book of the Blackened, Proxilingual Device, Dancing Haniwa, Weathercock of Barcelous

Disliked Gifts: Crystal Skull, Golden Airplane, Prince Shotoku's Globe, Moon Rock, Earnest Compass

Hated Gifts: Pumice, Apron Dress, Bondage Boots, Photoshop Software, I'm a Picture Book Artist, Upbeat Humidifier

Jian is part of the New 42nd Class at one of Hopes Peak Academy's branch schools

Her design isn't particularly detailed in terms of inspiration or themeing. I wanted to take a little inspiration from Hanfu, but only a little. I based part of the shape on the skirt and dai, but I doubt it's too recognisable. Her primary colours are also red and gold, which I read are considered lucky in China. I also took inspiration from uniform elements like blazers and bow ties.. I wanted her to look professional.