[2.] Scrap


Basic Info






Adult (18-21)




Dry Bones (Used to be a Parabones)


July 29


Age: 18-21

Gender/pronouns: He/Him

Species: Dry Bones (Parabones)

family: No known family

Friends: No close friends

Rivals: Sneaker and Firebolt

Scrap used to be a Parabones, enjoying his life, telling stories and always trying to be there for everyone. He loved listening to others, and he especially loved getting to personally know everybody, even those that didn't particularly like him. Some think he was chill and laidback, while others saw a more partygoing side to him where he liked to go out and have fun with friends. Scrap especially loved going on late night walks as it is one of the more calming things he enjoyed. That was until a walk in the forest one night changed his life. After his incident, he was a new person. Quiet, reserved, no longer as talkative as he used to be. He is constantly paranoid and jittery over everything now and stays away from most people as he now gets easily overwhelmed by conversation, fearing that anyone he talks to could be connected to the incident. 

When scrap was around growing up, he was your average parabones that enjoyed flying, taking care of his wings and most of the time had a very vibrant personality that most found pleasing to be around. He was always joyous and showing his favorite songs and movies with everyone or sharing his scarves and sweaters during the winter. Scraps favorite thing about himself has always been his wings. His wings were larger than most parabones wings and he was very keen on properly taking care of them and making sure nothing happened to them. When he was around 21, he went on one of his usual calming walks in the forest near by Bowsers castle, like he had done hundreds of times before. He loves listening to nighttime sounds and being able to see the stars between the trees. Unfortunately, though, this was the last time he would visit this forest. Being knocked out from behind by two mysterious individuals, he only began to stir awake when he could feel the beings attempt to slice off his beloved wings. In too much pain to do anything, he just cried in fear. Too much shock to really acknowledge what was happening. After the two beings had left, they left Scrap laying in the dirt with poorly placed bandages over where his wings once were. The more he woke up the more he felt dread and confusion, realizing his wings were no longer a part of him, he panicked and freaked out like never before, grieving his now lost wings. With no idea of who took them and why, he made his way back to the castle, where he avoided everyone in his sight despite their concern. As weeks and months passed, he continued to grieve his wings and with that, his entire personality was corrupted. Paranoid, scared, angry, confused and wanting answers, he has not said a work to anyone else nor has he been around the troop he once called his closest friends. He spends most of his time now hiding in baggy hoodies, listening to music and drinking warm tea. He does wish someday to have prosthetic wings made for him, but nothing will ever be the same as his beautiful wings that were tragically taken from him.


  • Despite his now paranoid and reclusive personality, he does have some moments where he wants to socialize, though it drains him very quickly.

  • No longer comfortable with going to the forest, he spends his time stargazing from his window.

  • Sometimes he will forget that his wings are missing, attempting to fly off of the ground only to fall right on his face.

  • Unbeknownst to Scrap, his wings were taken from him and sacrificed for selfish reasons by the two who took the wings from him. Scrap may never know this information, but he always comes up with new ideas of what could've happened to his wings and why they were taken from him.

  • He daydreams most of the days away now.

  • His eyes are very sensitive to the sun

  • Enjoys going to small shows and concerts to take his mind off of things, but he can now no longer go anywhere at all without at least one buddy.

  • Really loves snails! He misses seeing them in the forest!

  • Secretly envies the other parabones who still have their wings but would never show it.

Voice Claim: TBD

Song: TBD