[2.] Alto


Basic Info








Koopa Troopa/Octopus


June 26


Age: 21

Gender/pronouns: They/Them

Species: Koopa Troopa/Octopus

family: No immediate family

Friends: No immediate friends

Alto is a very chill and laid back Koopa, rarely getting into altercations since they just walk away or handles them calmly since they think life is too short to argue, especially over anything insignificant. Besides avoiding arguments, they are also really good about just ignoring all the rude people they come across. They simply act as if they have no clue what any negative emotion feels like. Alto is an incredibly skilled worker as well, working in quick paced environments and making friends with customers like it's just another day for them. They prefer a quick work pace since it seems to make the day go by quicker, and the sooner the day ends, the sooner they can go swimming and surfing! Very calm, nothing seems to scare them as well. They don't fear taking risks at all, once again thinking life is too short to live a boring life. They are very daring and will sometimes even drag others along with them to try new and risky activities.

Alto pretty much grew up within Bowsers castle, not really enjoying the hostile nature of the troop and the ideas Bowser would come up with. They just wanted to live their own dreams of working on and living on a beach. So, with years of patience and learning, by the time they were an adult, they moved into a small hut on a nearby beach and built their very own smoothie/drink bar! They called it the Coconut Oasis, since all beverages are served in fresh coconuts. Their business has been rather successful, allowing them to buy a surfboard, learning and mastering surfing which they now do a couple times a day between working! They talk and chat with customers for hours, learning all of them by name and remembering facts about them that always lighten their days. Alto doesn't just live in the hut on the beach though, also having a room in Bowsers castle still, that's where they stay during stormy days and during the winter when the beach gets absolutely zero customers for their drink stand for obvious reasons. Their next goal is to have a second job where they train others in surfing classes and ocean safety! Alto's tentacles on the back of their shell were some odd genetic they never have been able to explain, but they often feel proud of their tentacles, especially with the added skill it gives their swimming. Occasionally, Alto also acts as a lifeguard on the beach. If they spot something in the ocean, they are right to work trying to get them away from the scary scenario. Because they are also able to hold their breath for a longer amount of time than others, they are almost always able to save someone from drowning. Alto has many friends, but they struggle to find a best friend, so they hope to find that someone someday!


  • Rarely gets any sleep, they really enjoy surfing at night when they get the ocean all to themself.

  • Alto always wears just swim trunks and either a pair of waterproof boots or sandals. In the winter though, they often wear whatever is the most comfortable, which is usually sweaters and pajamas.

  • They have no fear of ocean creatures such as sharks, jellyfish and stingrays. They know how to avoid them and stay safe.

  • Their drink stand is incredibly successful. They sell all kinds of drinks to smoothies, slushies, fruit drinks and more! Even customizable drinks for frequent friendly

  • They collect comic books and watch a bunch of old movies in their free time, one of their favorite movies being Jaws of course.

  • Alto has a tattoo on his shoulder that reminds them of one of the biggest waves they ever surfed.

Voice Claim: TBD

Song: TBD