Takahiro Hidaka



8 months, 20 days ago


Takahiro Hidaka


Name Takahiro Hidaka
Race Japanese
Pronouns He/Him
Occupation Antiquarian
Age 22 (Gen 1), 54 (Gen 2)
Major Arcana The Hanged Man
Height 5'9"
Theme Flower Lotus


  • Altruistic
  • Pacifist
  • Repentant


  • Restoration
  • Floriography
  • Firearm Maintenance

A pacifistic and charming man who is charitable to a fault. Takahiro possesses a strong sense of social responsibility. The affection he showers creates the illusion of flirtatious intent, but he only wishes to light up the lives of everyone he encounters. In spite of his nurturing nature, Takahiro is noncommittal. Takahiro shows up in one town, solves as many issues as possible, then vanishes without a trace. Takahiro does not believe he deserves personal happiness. With endless guilt on his shoulders, he focuses on saving others. No matter how cruel the opposition, Takahiro cannot hate another soul.


Friendly Reserved
Polite Blunt
Clever Foolish
Empathy Callousness
Brave Timid
Sincere Deceptive
Diligent Lazy
Humorous Serious


  • Easygoing
  • Hospitable
  • Responsible
  • Compassionate


  • Pushover
  • Guilt-Ridden
  • Noncommittal
  • Self-Sacrificing


  • Swords
  • Flowers
  • Mont Blanc
  • Antique Weapons


  • Irezumi
  • Conflict
  • Dogmatism
  • Schadenfreude


  • Takahiro is prone to pulling out family photos and prattling on about funny stories like "Ayaka tripped and fell with a knife as a kid and started crying". This embarrasses both the people he talks about, and most crowds that end up listening in.
  • Despite his love of floriography, Takahiro is uninformed of most flower meanings. He tries his hardest to remember, but often mixes up if daffodil means rebirth or rejuvenation for example. He spends a significant amount of time asking Hinata or Momo to educate him on the subject.
  • In his youth, Takahiro traveled constantly. He popped up in one town, assisted everyone as much as possible, then vanished within a week. When inquired about his flighty nature, Takahiro handwaved it as part of his antiquary duties. After meeting Li-hua, he settled down and opened an antique shop.
  • Takahiro's deck in a Yugioh verse would be (full power) Dragon Rulers, but he tries to get out of dueling to begin with.



Li-hua Hirakawa [ Wife ]

Words aren't enough to convey how much of a corny couple they are. They are both romantics, so they give any onlookers secondhand embarasssment. From the beginning, Li-hua saved his life. As time passed, they began to 'save' each other mentally as well. Takahiro keeps any antiques that remind him of her as gifts.


Ira, Penny, Saori, Nikki, and Sutemi Hirakawa [ Children ]

His many children! Takahiro is an embarrassing father, doting and spoiling his children at every given moment. For the ones that already left home, he calls every morning and evening to check up on his darling children. Ira and Sutemi obtained their love of antique weapons from him.


Eiji Hirakawa [ Son ]

Ever since Eiji's return, Takahiro constantly worries about him. His son's newfound aversions give Takahiro a few theories on what occurred during his disappearance, but he refuses to press Eiji for any details. Instead, Takahiro focuses on helping Eiji remain comfortable at home.


Yumiko Yamamoto [ Older Sister ]

Takahiro tries to maintain an amiable relationship with his sister. Her escalating cruelty clashes with Takahiro's pacifistic nature, but his aversion to conflict renders him speechless. Luckily, Takahiro's presence alone unnerves Yumiko enough to concede. The two are on friendlier terms by the time they become parents.


Ayaka Hidaka [ Older Sister ]

Ayaka scorns Takahiro for his weakness, and he can only silently agree. Ayaka dislikes his pacifism, and she eggs him into fighting back. No matter how many times Ayaka offers scenarios where violence is the only answer, nothing changes. Takahiro always shrugs and offers a half-hearted "We'll see".


Hinata Yamamoto [ Younger Brother ]

Takahiro thinks Hinata's current state is a result of his own personal failure. As a result, every time Takahiro returns from his travels, he personally takes care of his younger brother. When Takahiro sees Hinata's empty expression, all he feels is guilt. So he showers attention onto his brother, bringing flowers in hopes of seeing Hinata smile again.


Momo Hirakawa [ Sister-in-Law ]

Takahiro likes his sister-in-law! At first, Momo struggled to maintain a conversation with Takahiro. Over time, Takahiro began to assist her at her flower shop. This endeared him to her, and Momo taught him floriography as "payment" for his work. They enjoy each other's presence.