Ira Hirakawa



10 months, 12 days ago


Ira Hirakawa


Name Hiroko "Ira" Hirakawa
Race Taiwanese-Japanese-French
Pronouns She/Her
Occupation Miscellaneous
Age 21
Major Arcana Judgement
Height 5'2"
Theme Flower Cherry Blossoms


  • Demure
  • Submissive
  • Bitter


  • Fashion
  • Knife Juggling
  • Classical Chinese Dance

A polite and timid woman who follows requests without hesitation. Her compliance stems not from ignorance, but a fear of repercussion. Her apprehension stems from one simple source: Ira believes she was born misfortunate. Ira hates her personal circumstances, so she hides behind the guise of a proper lady. Despite her outwardly submissive and decorous personality, Ira often mumbles her discontent behind her fan.


Friendly Reserved
Polite Blunt
Clever Foolish
Empathy Callousness
Brave Timid
Sincere Deceptive
Diligent Lazy
Humorous Serious


  • Docile
  • Dutiful
  • Romantic
  • Accommodating


  • Envious
  • Dependent
  • Resentful
  • Pessimistic


  • Aiyu Jelly
  • Most Flowers
  • Fan Language
  • Water Sleeve Dancing


  • Mirrors
  • Her Smile
  • Papaya Soap
  • Chrysanthemums


  • Ira hates her awkward smile, so she always obscures it behind her fan. She possesses a vast collection of fans to match every outfit. Her metal folding fans have a secondary use. They are all gunsen, as she is trained in tessenjutsu for self-defense.
  • Ira attends every single festival and cultural event possible. This is not because she is particularly cultural, but because she loves any excuse to wear pretty dresses. Ira possesses a wardrobe full of cute, colorful clothes for every occasion.
  • Ira likes knife juggling, but rarely gets a chance to perform in ‘the real world’'. Instead, Ira learned traditional Japanese dances to match her elegant aura. She specializes in Kenbu, Sensu, and parasol dances in particular. Ira actually prefers classical Chinese dances.
  • Ira's ghost earrings were a gift from her mother. They're her greatest treasure, but she is forbidden from wearing them during her job (due to their kitschy nature). She wears them with all other outfits.

Related (WIP)


Takahiro Hidaka and Li-hua Hirakawa [ Parents ]

Ira's parents! Ira obtained her love for flowers and floriography from them, as well as an interest in ornate weapons from her dad. Li-hua gifted Ira her ghost earrings, as well as a cheongsam for special occasions.


Spear Hale [ Boyfriend ]

Ira always dreamed of marrying a fairytale prince as a little girl. Little did she know, her boyfriend is one! The two have a sickeningly sweet and stereotypical relationship. They also fend off any assassins that come for Spear together.


Rukanah Latif [ Friend ]

Rukanah is extremely supportive to Ira, and encourages her to express her emotions. He later confronts her about her bitter self-pitying behaviors, and Ira also offers him a (willing) ear to his issues. He's like the big brother she never had.


Siblings [ relationship ]

Temporary placeholder until I get all of the siblings in (lazy).