Paskel Hackett



6 months, 25 days ago


A part of a world called Gehenna, for a roleplay with a group of friends.

Name: Paskel Hackett
Pronouns: He/Him
Age: 27
Height: 5'6" / 167 cm
Occupation: Traveling Merchant / Trader
Race: Human
Likes: Finding new things he's never seen before (and especially if it can make him a good amount of gold). Being left alone and having quick, easy transactions where the customer doesn't ask too many needless or intrusive questions.
Dislikes: Talking to people, or other people in general.

Backstory/ Description: An unpleasant and grumpy man, Paskel likes to keep his affairs very private. However, due to the nature of his work he is forced to interact and barter with his customers daily, and he can sometimes be surprisingly pretty good at it. He can pick up on the hidden desires of anyone from a peasant to a noble, and sell or trade them something they probably don't need. The only reason he is not terribly rich is that he is a nightly alcoholic and a gambler. He owns a small stall for selling his wares in the city's bazaar.
Despite his stubble, Paskel is often mistaken for an (ugly) woman, and he hates this. His greatest fears are leeches, and others finding out he was 'born a girl'.