can I get 1E? i can offer 4 fulls for a litter! ^^ (lol It’s me again) 

Princess-TF-ofAzurel sorry forgot to ping lol :]

sure thing!
sorry for the late reply, I've been getting some personal art out of my system before psyching myself into jumping back into the queue, as my next order is 10 total offspring. you are second in my queue.

Ok thanks for letting me know! I start drawing the fullbodys tonight! :]

Just finished all four Fullbodys! Let me know if there’s anything you would like changed. ^^

Hello! I would like to check in if their are any updates on the customs? No rush of course! 

can i get 1F and 7C for trade with art/designs..? owo (prefer one or two babs each but its up to you if you wanna do litters)

Confirming your place in the queue we DM'ed the details! 

Hi again! I’d love to offer one fullbody for 7f :3

>w< Sure thing! I'll add you to my queue! you have 2.5 orders ahead of you, and I'll let you know when you're next~!

You're next in the queue~!

awesome! do u have a character for me to draw?

you can choose anyone you want :3
however these kiddos are my current obsessions if any of them catch your interest to draw X'D

Checking in since it is nearly a week since I have gotten to your space in the queue!

hi i have like 3 other owed left rn, you can move on until i send the pic to you if you like lol

Yours is done :'3 

just a reminder that the rules are 7 days, unless an extension is asked for. ;w;"

"Breeding For Art:

I'm interested in doing Offspring for art! But only full colored full bodies! (I mean- You're getting a Full color, fully drawn, full body design in return. It's not unfair to expect it in return)

Trade rate is one art for one offspring.

I will likely let you choose which OC you draw, but you may only draw a particular OC once (Do not fret! I Have over 1k OCs! There's no shortage on art subjects!) The only Characters off limits for art are those in the Adoption Room (all folders)

As long as you put in the proper effort, I don't care what art level you are! I'm not going to decline Artwork.

If I find out you filled a base for the art, you'll be blacklisted.

Artwork must be completed within a week or the deal is off. I will re-sell or trade away the offspring I make. You Will Have No Claim.

Offspring will only be available for re-trade or gifting until art is made of them.

What If I need more time on art?
You only need to say so! I understand that life gets complicated   sometimes,  and things happen. Shoot me a quick message that you'll  need  more time!  Please give me an estimated time frame, or I will  assume  it'll be  another week.  Failure to do so will result in the  Cub(s)  being adopted out to someone else. I will not accept "When I  Can" as a  time extension. You can  always give me another update if  needed. These  terms may seem harsh, but  I have OCs in my adoption room  with a year's  worth of trade deals with  no update (and yes, you can  offer on those  OCs in the adoption room if  the accepted offer is over a  month old.  I've given up at that point)"

If you need an extension, I'd be happy to give one if you have an ETA of sorts

2 Replies

Alrighty, you're gonna kill me. I just love a lot of these combos and your designs are stunning! |'D
Lookin' to get x4 again for both 3B & 6B. (Definitely need an extra week since it's double this time...but absolutely no rush on your end and don't mind if there's a que of course).

No worries! XD 

I'll be marking them off soon. You have two people ahead of you I  the queue currently, so I'll let you know when I'm back to you! 

okie dokie! You're up next in my queue~!
are you ready for it? or would you need some time before we start?

No worries I'm ready to start ^^

Hiya! Ya know what hun, I may need a couple of more days (like until thursday). ;; I got really backed up at work and didn't expect that...tbh I have been coming home and mostly sleeping. But that should be enough for my days off to get the other half done for you. I am sorry about that though. ;; 

No worries :'3 I've been side-tracked with my pet project so I still have work to do myself 

Heya! just checking in! I have the last 4 complete and it is coming up on the 2 week mark since the extension

Good lord, I'm sorry I completely forgot to send upload them. Give me just a few minutes, I'll send them to you right now. ;;

No worries! :'3 I just wanted to make sure! 

I gotta upload the singles of your kiddos Before I accept them! (tomorrow morning :'3 because I gotta get to bed, I open in the morning) 

and done~
thank you! ^^

2 Replies

Hello! Can i offer 2 fullbodys for 3F and 6F? :3c

Here are a example of my art! <3

Sure! :3

Just so you know, my for trade queue is currently on pause until after Christmas, so if you don't mind the wait! And I don't expect the art clock to start until I get to yours :P

Of course! I can wait as long as necessary, I have no problems! <3

Is it okay if I draw these two? :3c

;w; yeesss ❤️

I love all my kiddos, so there's no need to ask X3c 

Finished both full bodies! I hope you like them! And don't be in a hurry, I can wait as long as you need! <3

Awesome! >w< You're next in my queue! so expect your results soon! once I'm finished with them, I'll be accepting the art you submitted! :3

1 Replies

And finished~ X3
I hope you like them~! :3

1 Replies

Hello :3

I’d like to offer characters for slot 6G!

I'm sorry ;w;' but I didn't see any kiddos that vibed with me.

Arl! Thanks for looking anyway (:

of course! :3 Thank you for your interest!