Comments on Dog Breeding Grid 42/49 OPEN All Comments Start of Thread Parent

Sure! :3

Just so you know, my for trade queue is currently on pause until after Christmas, so if you don't mind the wait! And I don't expect the art clock to start until I get to yours :P

Of course! I can wait as long as necessary, I have no problems! <3

Is it okay if I draw these two? :3c

;w; yeesss ❤️

I love all my kiddos, so there's no need to ask X3c 

Finished both full bodies! I hope you like them! And don't be in a hurry, I can wait as long as you need! <3

Awesome! >w< You're next in my queue! so expect your results soon! once I'm finished with them, I'll be accepting the art you submitted! :3

Cool! 0w0

And finished~ X3
I hope you like them~! :3

I love them! Thx so much! >w<