🚂✨ Express Orphanage



7 months, 3 days ago
Trade Listing


The Express Orphanage is responsible for giving a new home to ocs who were no longer wanted by their previous owners. From world to world, the train travels quickly, delivering characters to homes where they will be loved and cared for.


What is the Express Orphanage? How does it work?

Express Orphanage is a project that focuses on giving unwanted ocs a good new home. We have over 35 ocs up for adoption, patiently waiting for someone to adopt them!

To keep the project running, we have a policy regarding adoptions. You can only adopt 1 oc if you have 1 Train Ticket, which can be obtained by donating ocs to the project. Each oc donated is equivalent to 1 ticket, and 1 ticket is used whenever you adopt 1 oc. You can send us any oc you don't want anymore and adopt new ones with the tickets!

Click here to view how many tickets you have on a spreadsheet.


How can I send/donate an oc? How can I adopt an oc?

To send one or more ocs, comment the form below here in the forum post you're reading, then transfer the oc(s) to ExpressOrphanage with a note saying "For Express Orphanage". Please keep in mind: OCS SENT WITHOUT A NOTE ARE GOING TO BE REJECTED TO KEEP THINGS ORGANIZED.


Username: (your TH username)

Quantity: (number of ocs you're sending)

Oc(s) I'm sending: (link of the ocs you're sending for the project)

I am going to reply with a "✅" if the oc is accepted or with a "❌" if the oc is rejected (I'll be also explaining why if it gets rejected).


How can I adopt an oc?

To adopt an oc, please make sure you own at least 1 ticket. Then, send the form below in the comments of the forum post you're reading right now. Only 1 comment per adoption, please!


Username: (your TH username)

Quantity of Train Tickets owned: (how much tickets you own)

Oc I want to adopt: (link of the oc you want to adopt)

Reason and use: (why you want to adopt them and what would you use them for)

I am going to reply with a "✅" if the adoption is accepted or with a "❌" if it is rejected (I'll be also explaining why if it gets rejected).


What are the ocs up for adoption?

Click here to access the folder with all the ocs up for adoption.


Is there any prize for donating ocs?

Yes! The more you help us to keep the project ongoing with donating ocs, the more prizes you can get! It doesn't matter if you donate ocs only to get new ones with the tickets, as you're still helping us to keep the project active!

Below you can find the leaderboard of the people who donated ocs to the project. Prizes are 1 halfbody for the first place, 1 bust for the second place and 1 headshot for the third place. The leaderboard resets every month.

👑 1st: -

🏅 2nd: -

🏅 3rd: -

4th: -

5th: -

6th: -

7th: -

8th: -

9th: -

10th: -


Thank you for your attention! Bumps are highly appreciated, I sincerely hope you enjoy this project! If you have any question, feel free to dm or comment.