


11 months, 5 days ago

Basic Info

Type of vision


Type of weapon

Sword (catalyst as a skill)




Len Engel
Dragonspine OST

A fabled adventurer from Mondstadt who is said to be one of the strongest people in the region. While he is such a celebrated figure, it appears the man is rather shy and doesn't show himself in public often.

The everlasting frost










English Name
Chinese Name
Japanese Name
Korean Name


Sex Male
Birthday 27th July
Constellation glacies princeps
Region Mondstadt
Affiliation Knights of favonius, Adventurers guild
Special Dish Tale of adventures
How to Obtain Special wish banner


Chinese Name text
Japanese Name text
Korean Name text


INFJ - Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only five centuries, but also the leap into electronic typesetting, remaining essentially unchanged. It was popularised in the 1960s with the release of Letraset sheets containing Lorem Ipsum passages, and more recently with desktop publishing software like Aldus PageMaker including versions of Lorem Ipsum.

Character Details


About Len: Occupation

Len Engel is known as an adventurer with incredible skills and extensive battle experience in Mondstadt and other parts of Teyvat. Raised by the adventurers guild, Len had learned to wield a weapon from a very young age. In Mondstadt he is seen as something close to a folk hero, seeing he has saved many people from monster attacks near the city of Mondstadt or in the outskirts of the country. His feats had caused the knights of Favonius to take interest in him and so Grandmaster Varka recruited Len Engel as an intelligence Agent into their ranks, a secret job, perfect for someone like Len, who was swift and stealthy yet also effective in battle. The public still knows Len as an adventurer, as his double identity is something only he, a few knights and some very trusted friends know about in order to do his job most effectively. While he still does Jobs as an adventurer to keep up his cover story, Len now spends most of his time out on scouting missions to gather intel for grandmaster Varka as well as acting grandmaster Jean at the time that the grandmaster is on the frontlines.

About Len - Origins

Nothing is known about Len’s family. When Len was at the estimated age of 3, he had been found abandoned in the woods near Mondstadt gate, his Parents nowhere to be found. The adventurers guild who found him took him in and some of the adventurers took turns in raising the young boy.

Story 3


Story 4


Story 5







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Often Len and Albedo can be found painting together in Dragonspine. Albedo is a friend as well as a mentor to Len whom he cherishes deeply. One of the reasons they get along so well is the simple fact, that they are both Homunculi and therefore are very alike. Albedo has helped Len in his journey of self discovery as a homunculus and offered valuable guidance. They both find solace in the fact that they will walk the path immortality together and not in solitude.

Seeing how Len wasn't created by Rhinedottir, Albedo was naturally interested in Len's origins, Albedo had done numerous tests on Len with his consent to find out more about how he came to be. This was how Len and Albedo discovered that Len had been created using everlasting ice.



While Diluc doesn't feel very strongly about Len, Len has strong feelings for Diluc. for a while now the young adventurer has harbored romantic feelings towards the handsome nobleman but has not found the courage to confront Diluc and confess to him.

When Len is in Mondstadt city, he will sometimes visit the Angel's Share Tavern to catch a glimpse of Diluc behind the bar. Despite not being a big fan of alcohol, Len does indulge in a traditional dandelion wine when he visits.

Even if the two of them aren't very close, Diluc respects Len due to his position as an adventurer and therefore free from the limitations of the knights of Favonius (He isn't aware that Len secretly works for them as an intelligence agent)


Grandmaster Varka

Len met grandmaster Varka when he was still very young and the man is a type of father figure to him, as he had taught him how to properly fight as well as stand up for himself. Later on in his early adult life it also was grandmaster Varka who had scouted Len to become an intelligence agent for Mondstadt due to his skills as an adventurer and his itellect. Overall Len often goes to grandmaster Varka for advice on certain things, as those he considered hs father figures in life had unfortunately died on their adventures as part of the adventurers guild who had taken him in as a child.

As Grandmaster Varka was hiring knights for the expidition, Len had offered to tag along, yet Varka had denied his request, as it would compromise the secrey of his position within the knights of favonius. Sometimes Len will send letters to grandmaster Varka to make sure he is doing alright and to make sure whether he is needed on the expidition or not.



Len knows Alfry for as long as he can remember. As children, they sometimes played together, which was whart motivated Alfry to later on join the adventurers guild, inspired by Len. Later on, Alfry is the person giving Len information regarding his missions in the knights of favonius. She is one of the few people who is actually aware of the truth of Len's occupation with the knights of favonius. In their adult life, Len and Alfry aren't particularly close. Len respects Alfry for her professionalism, which is mutual.



To be added

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