
7 months, 14 days ago


bea leonette defays
oct 18
she / her

b e a

"How are you feeling today, dear? Do you want to see some of my floral arrangements?"

Bea is a little on the shy side. She's always preferred flowers to people, and it's easy to see why. She has a gentle touch with them that makes them flourish like no other, and they keep all her secrets and long-tucked away desires perfectly. It's not like Bea doesn't know she's only in the position of Royal Gardener because of her family and connections, but she's doing her best to show that she cares deeply about the work she does, even if she is on the quieter side.

Bea's not one that you'd think would be suited to court life. And you'd be right, she's not. She's an outsider to all the political ties, intrigue, and backstabbing that have all been taught from a young age, and chooses to not associate with it. She's much happier off on her own, doing her job and occasionally hosting the events that the Royal Gardeners are in charge of. Bea's happy that way. She will have some of the courtesans come by for strolls, and she does her best to avoid them when they are there. She has, however, been noticing that a particular one by the name of Cerys keeps frequenting the gardens, which is odd, since one'd think the Royal Sorceress would be off doing sorceress-y things. Bea isn't quite sure what to think, but she's more than happy to accomodate.


  • hiding amongst the lilacs
  • baking (and eating!) lavender shortbread with black tea
  • the patter of rain on the greenhouse panes
  • cozying up with a warm blanket and books on cold, gloomy days


  • sweetened drinks
  • being indoors or in tight spaces for too long
  • big social interactions like parties
  • people getting into her plants and messing up her arrangements and garden




Bea is not one for mingling with others or trying new things. If it were up to her, she'd sit in her greenhouse and roayl gardens tending to flowers for the rest of her life. But alas, she has to deal with people every day. It's not that she hates them, she's just too worried about messing up, saying the wrong things, or giving the wrong impression.


Though rather hard to get to, Bea's kindness is a defining trait of her personality. Behind all the mumbling and awkwardness lies a heart of gold. Manage to break through, and you will have a loyal friend for life who won't hesitate to offer all kinds of baked goodies, flowers, and interesting trinkets she picked up from her occasional market trips.


Bea spends most of her day not talking. When she does talk (or sing), she's normally only in the presence of plants. It's the thing she swears by for best plant growth, and no one else could convince her otherwise. Her voice is sweet and clear when she does speak up, but she often whispers or mumbles, making it hard to hear what she's trying to say.

easily flustered

Since she grew up as a mostly single, lonely child, Bea is still unused to the displays that others make. She feels that people often make a big deal of nothing, and gets easily worked up when others make grand gestures, switch up plans on her, or try to flirt with her. It's really easy for her to lose her cool, which is something she's embarassed about.


Bea feels like she has something to prove. Her position as Royal Gardener was only obtained because her family had connections to the palace. As such, Bea is determined to show others that she is a hard worker, and not some lazy nobility who doesn't take the work of the earth seriously. She is also incredibly fascinated with nature and plants, and aspires to write books and illustrate floreligium some day.


There is not one dishonest bone in Bea's body. All of them are honest, really. She has a hard time trying to navigate the world of politics, as it is all incredibly confusing (and frustrating) to her. She prefers to stick to people who mean what they're saying, just like she is. Even if what she says comes off as an insult sometimes. She really doesn't mean it.


• hat + flowers are a must!

• on the more plump side :) cute, pouchy tummy and all

• usually wears dresses and more "vintage" style clothing!

• has short, thick, curly hair with stardust streaks

• super super fluffy tail please!


• has a beautiful soprano voice

• loves to bake. Her cookie and treats jar is never empty

• secretly a massive consumer of trashy romance

• has kept a journal every day since she was a child

• knows all the best hiding spots in the palace


Bea was born into noble life, as with many of the other courtesans. However, more focus was heaped on her siblings who wished to do greater, grander things like healing or soldiering. She spent most of her time at home, in the garden, tending to all the lovely little flowers. She was even more shy as a child than an adult, and was selectively mute due to her anxiety. Bea preferred to be left alone




relationship Bea can't quite figure why the sorceress has taken such an interest to her, but she welcomes it. Cerys is one of the few courtesans Bea finds tolerable, and would be willing to share some tea with. Her feelings for the pretty lady are... ambiguous, but she's just focused on what they have in the moment, enjoying whatever it is while it lasts.

relationship It's not that Bea dislikes certain people right away, per se, but Nepenthe always rubbed her the wrong way. She's overly loud, chatty, and down at the gardens with her precious Aurelian. It makes it very frustrating when they sit down for a picnic in the exact spot that Bea needs to work that day, and when Nepenthe talks her ear off for hours. The mortified Bea just has to sit and listen without escape! How horrifying!

relationship Cerys does not hold her brother in high regard, and was chagrined when she found out he became a royal advisor to Aurelian. She knows her blame is best placed on her parents, but she can't help but see him as a whiny, gullible, spoilt brat who has no real talent of his own.