
6 months, 15 days ago


cerys asel aydin
nov 22
she / they

c e r y s

"Hello, love. Come to see me for something?"

Cerys is a laid-back sorceress with an appreciation for all things wine, books, and the pleasures of day-to-day life. She is by no means one of those crusty old magic-wielders who pride whemselves on being filled with "purity" and focus only on the acquisition of knowledge. No, no. Life is about knowledge, yes, but also experience. Seeking, feeling! And in Cerys' mind, there is nothing quite like sharing it with the company of others.

Cerys does not necessarily live up to the status quo of Court Sorceress, much to Aurelian's chagrin. Her overly friendly nature is not in line with the image of tight-lipped, prim little magic user swallowed up by the big hat. Oh well. At least she has the big hat. Otherwise, she's quite popular with the courtesans and general populace, and is known to give out magical little trinkets and cures to those who ask. Nicely.


  • creating random potions
  • experimenting with magics
  • experiencing the many pleasures in life
  • lending a helping hand


  • uptight nature of court life
  • being overstimulated for too long
  • caverns
  • being bothered while working




Cerys is nothing if not an enjoyer of all life has to offer. She is not wont to turn down proposals of any kind (except marriage), and is often found in the thick of the party. Some say it's just who she is: fun loving. Others speculate it's a lack of connection and deep longing for it that drive her lavish ways.


Her outgoing nature is somewhat of a surprise to those who imagined the Court Sorcerer as being some stuffy older chap. Cerys does not keep to herself, freely sharing who she is and what she is doing with the world. One then must wonder... If she is forthcoming with these, what else may she be hiding?


Though her work may often get in the way, Cerys is kind at heart. It may not look like it at first, but she cares deeply for the good of Harpersfell. The rest of the Faeheld kindgom too. When she has the time, she will go out of her way to accomplish favors for those who need it. Always best if accompanied by a little coin.


Cerys will stand up for what she believes in, no doubt about it. She knows that many do not approve of her lifestyle, but as long as it's not hurting anyone, she doesn't see a problem with it. She will not give up on things she likes simply because it may be "bad PR." She doesn't even know what that means.

wine aunt vibes

She's like the cool wine aunt everyone wishes they had. She does her best to establish personal connections with everyone she can and keep tabs on how they're doing. Sometimes she won't correspond for months before showing up with someone's favorite food and drink during hard times. Don't count on her being responsible, though.


Despite the conceptions some may have about her, Cerys is pretty damn smart. She passed top of her classes in her training, and devoted much of her earlier years with her nose buried in books. She still retains that intelligence, but prefers to keep people in the dark about it. Makes for a much more amusing reaction.


• tired, hodded eyes

• thick, curvy body

• usually smiling, having a good time, and enjoying the show

• always wears hat and jewelry except for a handful of occasions

• any designed clothes stick to her color palette of blue, white, and yellow


• friends with all the kitchen staff, to help supply her expensive taste in wine

• not a lightweight when it comes to drinking. Very heavyweight, actually

• loves crafting. Her tower room is full of junk she's made

• a lover of peach tea, but anything fruity works too

• little bit of a romance advice giver/guru for the palace


Cerys has come from the lap of luxury. From servants and winter holiday getaways to fine caviar and wines that have unpronouncable names from strange places, she's seen it all. She was also born with powerful innate magical talent, which is increasingly rare in Faeheld. Her childhood, however, was still not quite happy. Her parents were distant, lavishing attention on her eldest brother, Cashmere, when they decided to be present. To try to impress them, Cerys threw herself into her studies, determined to become the top of her class and pursue the most esteemed class and title a magic user of her caliber could. High Sorceress. She's still got some ways to go, only being the Court Sorceress, but she still clings on to her dreams.

She grew to resent her family over the years, particularly Cashmere. Rationally, she knows he's not at fault, but the wounded child in her wants to blame everyone except for her parents. Her self-esteem is, admittedly, low, but this is not something she is particularly keen on the whole world knowing. She's carried this bitterness through her schooling, though she knew, deep down, it just wasn't enough. After she was spat out into the real world, she did some freelance work for a while, particularly in academic research, before grabbing the attention of the old Court Sorceress. She mentored Cerys, who was thrilled at the opportunity to be involved in the royal life. Imagine, court drama, death threats, intrigue!

But alas, Cerys is not quite lucky. In fact, court life is rather boring, beyond the occasional assassination attempts and upheaval in the outer skirts of the kindgom. To compensate for her boredom, Cerys tries her best to get involved in everything that's going on in everyone's life. Some complain she's nosy, but she's looking for ways to help. And get her hands on some juicy court gossip. Otherwise, it's all dull. She will resort to spending her time locked up in her tower if she has to, as a last resort, but she'd much rather spend time with the Royal Gardener, a cutie by the name of Bea. She's had many flings, but can't quite seem to get over her, much to her delight and chagrin. She does her best to keep the thoughts on the down low, resorting to work to keep her mind off of them.


relationship Bea is... unique. Her shy and gentle mannerisms combined with her soft heart are not commonly seen in the royal courts. Cerys wouldn't let their friendship go for the world. She always finds a way to show up in springtime or when new plants have arrived. Despite all her efforts, Cerys just can't get over her.

relationship Lukanus is a fellow purveyor of pleasure that Cerys exchanges stories with. He will swing by her tower every so often for advice, and some new interesting tidbits of gossip. He's one of her favorite courtiers, and she's glad he's stuck around. Even if he did choose to date Prince Rhys. She'll never understand that.

relationship Cerys does not hold her brother in high regard, and was chagrined when she found out he became a royal advisor to Aurelian. She knows her blame is best placed on her parents, but she can't help but see him as a whiny, gullible, spoilt brat who has no real talent of his own.