bytes tenn barks



8 months, 7 days ago

Basic Info


Bytes Tenn Barks


Bites then barks








Fuck you


Ultra Mega Mads


Bytes Tenn Barks is a patient in Sparklecare Hospital.

After getting so mad at her long standing, dead end job, Bytes destroyed and scorched property with her bare hands. She then voluntarily goes to Sparklecare Hospital to try and find out what's wrong with her. There she was diagnosed with Ultra Mega Mads which had manifested in rage induced cindering of her whole body. It is something she seems unable to control, her only option being to calm down to be able to stop sizzling. She otherwise emits a warm aura that only increases and becomes slightly unbearable when she is upset.


Bytes is a snappy dog who is absolutely not going to be your new best friend. Abrasive to a fault, she tries to get through life on her own, all by herself. Regardless of these facts, she craves anthry connections, but has no idea how to ask for or simply obtain it.

Loud Mouthed

Bytes is a loud, loud anthry. Everything that comes from her sounds like she's shouting, even when she's not. She doesn't care to clamp down on this, unless someone is clearly distressed by it.


Despite her normal outwardly disposition, Bytes is extremely soft with children and those younger than her in general. She's always willing to tone herself down for them. It comes naturally to her.


If there is something Bytes doesn't want to do, she will not do it. Planting her feet firmly on the ground and crossing her arms, Bytes is more than content to stand there until whoever or whatever is bothering her goes away.

Keen Eyed

Often used to being by herself, Bytes has learned to study others and learn what they are like from a long ways away. She can usually spot when someone's feelings change a few moments after they do.



Bytes was already in the hospital for a few months when Shiverz came in. Though he looked like he was completely aloof, she could tell he was rather frazzled. He looked young and confused, and though she normally wouldn't interact with anyone new right off the bat, she could feel something in her heart tug at the sight of him. She decides then and there to make sure she would do whatever she could to make sure he was okay before moving on.

Bytes does not move on. In fact, with every moment she spends with him, she finds herself doting on him more and more. It eventually comes to the point where she's calling him "kiddo". He always insists he is 20 years old and therefore not a "kiddo," but that doesn't stop Bytes. She can tell he secretly likes it anyways.

The two have somehow managed to create a mother-child relationship with each other, and often where one is, the other is lurking around somewhere.

