ophelia pane



6 months, 26 days ago

Basic Info


Ophelia Pane


I feel your pain




Panda bear






The I-Feel-Yous

Magic Type:



Ophelia Pane is a patient in Sparklecare Hospital.

Ophelia was "voluntarily" admitted to the hospital after an emotional outburst that left her parents feeling so upset at her, she figured there must be something wrong with her.

Always an empathetic person, Ophelia has never found a moment in which she wasn't playing  armchair therapist. For her parents, for her friends, for complete  strangers on the bus... Something compelled Ophelia to do something  whenever and however she could.

People are not always kind to you  when you try to help, though. Many times her help has been rebuffed  rudely. She liked to think she took them in stride, but it was obvious  to those around her that something was wrong when things went sour. This, accordingly, would end up bringing the mood down wherever she was. So, Ophelia learned to put a cap on her emotions.

Only, this does not work either. It ultimately culminates in an argument with her parents in which she says something that she knows will cut like a knife, and does it anyways. After feeling the ire they had for her after that, she fled to the hospital for help.


Ophelia is an overall kind and patient person, so long as she's not bottling up emotions. She cares deeply for others and lives with her heart on her sleeve.


Ophelia can always tell how your feeling. ...Even when neither of you really want to! She has natural emotion magic that she is unaware of. This has lead her to where she is today, but it's also helped her help a lot of others, which she's always happy to do.

Rambunctiously Anxious

A timid panda, Ophelia is always worried of getting one thing or another wrong. She  tries her best not to let this stop her, but it's often looming over her regardless of her choices. Even though she is filled with anxieties, she's a bit silly. She likes to joke around, even if whatever's happening is not particularly funny.


There has not been a single day in her life in which Ophelia hasn't bumped into something (and apologized), tripped over something (and apologized) or just discombobulates herself so much she simply falls to the floor. The whole world is a minefield for the poor girl, but she does her best to navigate the world ass fall-free as she can.

Open Book

Hiding things is not Ophelia's style. If asked, she will explain what is happening, what is bothering her, or anything else. So long as she has the energy to talk, and she doesn't think it will upset you to know, expect unbridled answers.



From first glance, Ophelia could tell Shiverz was deeply, deeply sad.  It was all encompassing. Even in the face of her own admitting, she  chooses to focus on somehow helping him feel better.

Outwardly,  the mouse seemed aloof and distant, but Ophelia could tell there was  much more than just that rattling around inside of him. Slowly but  surely she becomes friends with him by mimicking what his current friend  does, which mostly involves card games. So many card games.

On a  particular day, Shiverz seems to catch on. He asks why Ophelia seems so  adamant about playing games with him so much, and she explains herself  honestly. The other is seemingly taken aback, and Ophelia is worried she  has once again ruined something. But, to her surprise, Shiverz stands  and gives her a big hug.

From then on, the two grow closer with  each and every day. Ophelia is beyond happy to have found a friend here  in the hospital, and even happier she didn't ruin it with her weirdness.

