


7 months, 12 days ago



Name charla humbug

Age as old as time itself

Pronouns any pronouns

Birthday january 29

Height 5'10"/177 cm ; 6'1/185 cm (horns)

Occupation guardian of the multiverse

Voice vincent tong (all of them)


the struts - could have been me

Charla and Circus - two primordial beings who wear the heavens on their shoulders. They facilitate the workings of the multiverse by simply existing; pillars of reality itself.


First came Charla, who arrived suddenly and unspectacularly. Circus followed between a few seconds and innumerable eons later.

Charla has always harbored an interest in the wonderful lives of mortals. Charla wonders what makes life worth smiling for in such a fleeting lifetime. After an eternity of watching stories pass them by, they are determined to become a protagonist worthy of a story themself.

They have a penchant for narration, often embellishing their adventures into something more exciting. Despite their love for everything cool they themself are rather awkward. They are far from being the naturally cool and suave hero legends speak of due to being a try-hard and a control freak.

Charla and Circus - two primordial beings who wear the heavens on their shoulders. They facilitate the workings of the multiverse by simply existing; pillars of reality itself.


First came Charla, who arrived suddenly and unspectacularly. Circus followed between a few seconds and innumerable eons later.

Charla has always harbored an interest in the wonderful lives of mortals. Charla wonders what makes life worth smiling for in such a fleeting lifetime. After an eternity of watching stories pass them by, they are determined to become a protagonist worthy of a story themself.

They have a penchant for narration, often embellishing their adventures into something more exciting. Despite their love for everything cool they themself are rather awkward. They are far from being the naturally cool and suave hero legends speak of due to being a try-hard and a control freak.


  • Romance ; they wanna be in love sooooo bad. Where's their soulmate?? Every deity of love Charla has ever spoken to claim to be bound by rules of secrecy. In other words they're all lame

  • Parties ; Charla and their friends get together every once in awhile to have any sort of food
    and fun. Everyone takes turns hosting the party

  • Lack of control ; they're easily frustrated by things not going their way. It's not anything like they're scared of spontaneity, rather they already have methods they prefer sticking to

  • Envy ; it's an ugly color on them. They quite literally turn green, which is the same color they turn when they're angry

Design notes
  • Sky complexion with clouds; gets lighter as you go down their body. Palms/shins are lightest

  • Complexion and weather will change depending on their state of mind

  • Tunic design forms the character 生 (meaning life) with shoulder cape

  • Two helix piercings on left ear, jingle bell earrings and on shoes, and golden freckles

  • Slim eyes; dark umber color that appear
    gold when in sunlight

  • Pockets are manually sown on

  • Hem of her cape is tattered and torn

  • Very prominent and long nose

Character notes
  • Theoretically, there was only meant to be one all-powerful guardian, so when Circus came by, the two ended up with cosmic responsibility split between them

  • They cry little multi-colored neon stars. They feel like sleep sand; bigger ones sting...

  • They can shapeshift into anything

  • Charla and Circus can achieve omnipotence by holding hands, but Circus hates physical touch and they're left with awful headaches after, so they avoid doing it

  • Charla's pockets are hammerspace; their most frequented items are a golden comb and handheld mirror


Circus siblings

The little brother they never asked for, nor would they ever (or so they say). Alas, they're stuck together now and there's nothing anyone can do about it.

Picky, whiny, self-absorbed, and refuses to open up. It's not as if Charla's racing to be emotionally available either but it's just the principle of it yknow?? Charla loves Circus deeply but both of them refuse to be sappy around each other.

Circus is the only being across the multiverse to truly know Charla for who they are. They appreciate being able to unapologetically drop their facades and disguises around him but he somehow always manages to make them regret it.

nimbus x


Rem good friends

Charla feels like they talk at Rem instead of with them. They're told that's just how Rem is so they don't take it personally. They mostly know them as Circus' best friend, she really wants them to like her as some sort of statement to Circus. Rem's lack of conversation skills aside, Charla has come to really care about them seeing as they're joined at Circus' hip.

Cupid x


Elys Vega student...of some sort

It's blatantly obvious to everyone but Elys how much smarter he is than Charla. He's always needling Charla for answers about this and that, Charla musters up some equivocal bullshit until Elys is happy, rinse, and repeat. But when it's questions about something she does know, Charla is happy to play the part. She's a little jealous of how accomplished Elys is.

Chance sisters in crime

Charla sees her as a second sibling. She's easily swayed into participating in shenanigans, except Chance has no semblance of shame (she's just happy to be here, really) so Charla is always the one embarrassed for it. Chance is the one who fashioned Charla and Circus' capes; she made them as gifts. Charla admires Chances' talent with threads; it inspired them to sow their own pockets, however shoddy they turned out to be.

Boone x


Iridee x


Hymn peepaw




Dice x


Grim x
