Oliver Lloyd



5 years, 10 months ago

Basic Info


Oliver Lloyd








The Tuatha




True Good





tl;dr: Down-to-earth, alcoholic, constantly fighting with depression, knows how to put on a show, loves a good fight, finds it very difficult to come to grips with his birthright.

Since puberty, Oliver has always had this fog of depression that evolved into a full on miasma by the time he reached his mid-twenties. There were a handful of things that used to help bring him out of the funk, such as a love for music and a healthy pack of friends who shared similar interests. When he hit adulthood however, many of his friends either moved out of town or moved on with their lives while Oliver ditched college in favor of trying to chase fame. The trouble was, he didn't quite have the charisma for it at the time. He knew what he wanted to be, but he couldn't quite make it happen. After his father sparked that Tuathan blood in him, it gave that mundane luster of his a sizable boost. Unfortunately, his father couldn't and probably wasn't all too interested in clearing away the massive lapses in self-esteem that years of failure stacked onto him.

Oliver was a very slow-growing scion who often failed to realize his potential. He still struggled with alcoholism, which was something that his father barely cared to solve given that one of his relics was a literal flash of never-ending whiskey. He still struggled in having any faith in his abilities especially after some early-game losses. Everything just seemed so much bigger than he ever could be, and though he had legendary strength and legendary skill with his relic guitar, he always felt like he was some kind of impostor among the other demigods who better grasped their roles. It was nearly impossible for him to think like the son of a god, constantly aware of his own mortality and shortcomings. It eventually would lead to the turning point that would then lead him to his demise.

After he was killed in combat, he was whisked into the afterlife where he would serve a sort of sentence to avoid going straight to the Morrigan. He was to do more or less what he would have liked to do anyways; create and play music for the faefolk and for the end of times. His old crew of demigods (now gods) have not forgotten about him, and soon found that Brigid, the god Oliver was charged to serve during his afterlife, pulled a few strings to give him a second chance at rolling with the crew.

Having returned to the party once again, Oliver has taken on a new, brash confidence that once faltered. Having lost his fear of death and realizing that even at the worst of times he was better off faking it until he made it, he has begun to fill the shoes of a proper god. This man is all rock and roll, rough and tumble, and heart and soul.


Oliver Lloyd was the oldest of two brothers, growing up in a single parent household most of his life. He didn't have a shabby childhood at all. He was actually very good to his younger brother Eugene, his junior by only a couple of years, and he actually did well in school. He didn't start becoming trouble until he reached his teenage years, after going through a bad breakup and having the everloving crap kicked out of him by his sweetheart's new boyfriend. His mother assumed it was something he just should have gotten over--after all, it was young love and the boy was just fourteen at the time. She didn't account for the massive blow to his pride, or the talk under the breath of his classmates about his fatherless upbringing, which only spread into more venomous rumors and lies after the fight.