Kage Remri's Comments

Aaa I see my art in the gallery! So awesome to see it in here, always happy to see more Kage art I never seen before.

Thank you! It's really nice to have some people stil around from the old days!

Oh woooowwww so much good memories! So happy to see this oc <3

Thank you so much, means a lot to me! <3

oh my god i grew up w this character on my yt HBHJCBDJBH :sob:

always reminded me of 'wolfs rain' and i just.... waow :o so nice to see him on toyhouse now !!

It means a lot to me when people remember Kage! Thank you so much ToT

Imagine having to post all of his art 😨😨😨💀 I killed my watchers when I posted all of Fausto's art, 700 pieces dgdvdbhdbdbdh I bet Kage has like 1000 holyshit

It IS over 1000 images I will bomb people's inbox I'm sorry ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ

OMFG it is over 1000??holyshit

Tbh i think for the most of us it will be a blessing, all the old art will be a free ticket to a nostalgia trip. Dont feel ever bad about it!