


7 months, 21 days ago


-I will not tolerate comments about Tourmaline’s skin not being canon compliant I simply do not care. He’s a fan character ya’ll can handle him not fitting lore to a T-

Tourmaline (he/him) is a roughly 1200 year old ex fighter gem. Currently he is a doctor/gem fixer. He is also (romantic) partners with Yellow Sapphire. His glasses are purely aesthetic and do not have lens in them.

He used to work on the field with Yellow Sapphire but had to retire after the light emitted by recent lunarian parties sent started worsening his colour change reaction and causing a lack of control of himself to the point of accidentally shattering himself or others in battle. When he changes colour he changes to green. Previously the change was present but didn’t totally overwhelm his usual pink colour. 

Because he’s no longer on the field with him Tourmaline is quite neurotic about Yellow Sapphire being broken or losing parts of himself. Because of this (and because in general Yellow Sapphire is a larger gem) he has a stock pile of spare sapphire pieces just in case. He’s rarely willing to sacrifice these for other gems who need repairs.

In general Tourmaline rarely interacts with the other gems unless he’s repairing them. As one of the older gems he finds the younger ones rather annoying.