


7 months, 6 days ago


AFTRMF 10/21/2020
Species: Human, Infected, Alien, Human
Gender: F (she/her)
Color: Yellow, Orange
Codename: n/a
Position: Crewmember
Role: Impostor Varied
Background: Civilian
Status: Cycling
Apperances: Consequences, Aftermath


  • Hat: Planted


With no memories of her own, Orange is under the impression that she is the original orange from aftermath instead of consequences. She still retains most aspects of her original personality, being outwardly cheerful and bubbly, but now slightly more anxious and avoidant. She has a constant feeling that something is not right, but no real evidence to the contrary. She’s curious and has a feeling that something big is going on with her specifically, which she’s pretty determined to figure out.

As Impostor (Alien):
As orange, the impostor has the same clever, boastful personality as before. However, instead of putting on yellow’s bubbly, sensitive personality, it puts on a new one for orange. Since she just killed the original orange and did not take over her body, she didn’t have memories or an existing personality to go off of. As orange, she does her best to remain in the background, not contributing too much to the discussion. She gives off a vague air of “concerned about the situation” when needed but otherwise is careful not to define too much of a personality in case it isn’t the same as the original orange’s. She communicates loosely with the other impostors, but distances herself when she finds they are merely humans playing the role of the impostor.

As Impostor (Human):
She is an incredibly anxious impostor and completely ineffective. She will not kill anyone and would much rather forget than have to live with the feeling she killed someone. Some subconscious part of her still remembers being an impostor and how terrifying it was.

STORY:(click on each section title to expand)

consequences: aftermath (Polus)


thingy 2

Orange starts as the same character as Yvie, but has a different entry due to the color change and timeline issues. Following Aftermath, Orange and Yvie are considered two different characters.



thingy 2

  • ^CONQ 0 (YELP6): Human-> Infected -> Alien, Impostor, Dead (crashed, unofficial transfer / standard cycle *late)
  • AFTRMF 305 (ORAP2): Alien, Impostor, Dead (memory-manipulating cycle)
  • AFTRMF 306+: Human, Varied, Varied (memory-manipulating cycles)

^ See Yvie for details
"Canon" Interactions:
(Groups of characters in the series that this character interacts with during the course of the story, and at what location.)

  • All of AFTRMF crew *except Blessing and Wonder* & Gray [AFTRMF], Blakely [CONQ], Wilson [CONQ], Cyrus [CONQ], Jamie [CONQ], Liam [CONQ] (@ Polus)
    (while shapeshifted as Opal)
Relationships Of Note
Gray Old Friend
Describe the relationship here... Add as much as you want, but this probably will work best with a short and sweet description.
Yvie Alternate Self?
Describe the relationship here... Add as much as you want, but this probably will work best with a short and sweet description.
profile code by physics