Edgar (Issac) Heller



7 months, 11 days ago


I don't like the dark, there's too many scary things in there, like you.
Edgar (Issac) Heller
Eddi, Young Mr.Heller
Son of Halina and Mordecai Heller
America, UNKNOWN

Halina (Mother)

Mordecai (Father)

Rosemarie (Little sister)

Rose (Aunt)

Esther (Aunt)

Tzipporah (Grandmother)

September 12, 1934
  • Math
  • Reading
  • Rainy weather
  • History
  • His mother's pastries
  • Listening to his father reading
  • Blood
  • Bloodstains
  • Mud
  • Bugs
  • Rats
  • Horror


Edgar is the son of Halina and Mordecai Heller, he is the first born and is the light to his mother’s life. He was born in 1934, a year after his parents had married. However, Edgar wasn’t planned and came as a shock for the two. Halina wanted a child but it took some time for Mordecai to soften up to the fact he was gonna be a father. Despite that, Mordecai read up and tried to get ready for when their son was eventually born.

As a child, Edgar was very silent and shy, often keeping to himself. He often would go read by himself or take care of his baby sister whenever possible. He’s sadly often bullied in school for his introverted nature, not wanting to talk to others and keep to himself, Mordecai notes on occasion how similar Edgar was to himself, seeing as his son wants to be by himself and read rather complicated books. After knowing of his son’s bullying problem, Mordecai would have a “serious talk” with the principal (that suddenly went missing somehow, how strange.) and give him a rather old copy of The Art of War by Sun Tzu. It’s not one of Edgar’s favourites, however, he keeps it dear to him as it’s something his father has given him.

He however, even after such a gesture from his father, still feels afraid whenever near him. His father’s mostly serious tone and complicated vocabulary has left Edgar unable to fully connect with his father. He loves him dearly but is scared to fail him or be seen as a failure of a son. He doesn’t really have the most loving of relationships with Mordecai, so often when his father is present or at home, Edgar turns into an almost catatonic state where he doesn’t really speak unless spoken to. Only his sister Rosemarie is able to truly get his actual personality out of him, which is a soft spoken and deeply kind-hearted child who likes to help whenever possible.

Edgar deeply adores his mother and often spends his free time with her. He often will bake and or cook with Halina in hopes that he will be praised (which is most often the case). He often will bring his troubles to her than his father, feeling a type of safety with his mother. Edgar doesn’t find his mother as terrifying as his father, however if he hears her swearing in Polish he knows to stay away, or whenever she wants to cook a traditional Polish dish that includes fowl. He’s more open with his mother and loves to talk to her or even learn to say certain words in German or Polish, but he finds Polish extremely hard to enunciate so he can only say a couple of words like “Dziękuję” (Thank you) and “Cześć” (Hello).

Edgar tries his best to be a good big brother to Rosemarie, wanting her happy and will often take some of the brunt of pranks she pulls or things she breaks by accident. He has always been there for his sister, sharing his room with her even when she was a baby. Reading her fairytales to put her to sleep, which has now become a nightly thing that, if she isn’t extremely sleepy after a long day, will not fall asleep at all.

He hates bugs just as much as his father, however, he loves to bird watch and read about reptiles. When he gets a bit older, that love for reptiles will lead him to having a tank with a bunch of newts.

  • Edgar is studying his primary education.
  • He likes to listen to the radio, he likes his mother's music taste.
  • Edgar is very smart for his age, he loves to read complex litature and science fiction.
  • He hates bugs just as much as his father, however, Edgar likes birds and reptiles, and often would read books about them.
  • He will often try to help his mother cook, he knows how to make simple dishes.
  • Edgar most often than not will scream the moment he sees any blood on or near him.
  • Both Rosemarie and Edgar tend to go into their parents bedroom whenever they can't sleep in their own room. It varies whether or not Halina or Mordecai allows them to stay though.
  • Edgar can speak a bit of Yiddish.
  • He knows what his father works as.



“Mother knows best.” would probably be the first thing Edgar would describe his mother as, trusting his mother’s advice and techniques. He often will hide behind her if there is something going on, or whenever he’s scared. Halina is his safe space, his shield from everything evil that will get him.

Halina will be very soft with him most of the time, but of course that cold mean side of hers breaks through her motherly exterior now and then. Halina however will do that to keep her son at ease and to make him worry less. She tries her best to teach him how to speak up more and not be so silent, not wanting him to be pushed around.

(Just don’t tell her that he gets bullied in school though.. A principle or teacher might go missing-)



Edgar has a hard time understanding his father, he mostly struggles to find the courage to even speak up in front of him. Edgar finds his father absolutely terrifying but still tries to ask him for help with things, like his homework. But with the way his father can be at times, it’s truly a task to even understand what he speaks to him about with his overly verbose language.

Edgar gets often lost to what his father might ask of him or even of what he’s going on about. He still wishes to get along with his father, so whenever Mordecai reads, he wants to read along. At first Mordecai found it as an annoyance, before slowly allowing it from his son, similarly to Halina being allowed such a “luxury”.

He will often try to impress his father with his grades or books that he buys by himself, Mordecai may criticise it at times, but will always encourage his son right after.



Rosemarie is Edgar’s darling little sister, he keeps her company most of the time, not because he’s forced to, but because he wants to be there and play or read for her. Rosemarie is extremely clingy towards him and sometimes it can get too much, however he’s too soft to say anything towards it. He doesn’t want to see his sister cry and will tend to try and make her feel better somehow. It has made Marie quite spoiled at times, especially when she’s given what she wants at times.

(Don’t tell Halina though…)

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