


7 months, 23 days ago



Name Eira Lumisaar
Age 22
Height 5 ft 6 in | 168 cm
Species Teavlo (Black & Herbal Tea)
Gender Female
Oreint. Demisexual Greyromantic
Pronouns She/Her
Occupation Spy/Freelance Photographer
Birthday December 21
Voices (😇) Blue Pearl (Steven Universe)

(👿) Ms. Bellum (The Powerpuff Girls)

Design Notes

  • Her left eye is gold and her right eye is brown.
  • Has short horns resembling shrubs. Snowberries occasionally grow on them.
  • Has partially straight/wavy hair in a short bob cut.
  • Can be drawn with a flat or small chest.

Individualistic and serene in her own company is Eira. She is often engrossed in her own thing, tuning out the world around her until directly confronted by someone. Socialization isn't preferred out of personal disinterest, but she is quiet and polite in speech. It can make it difficult for others to hear with her voice being very soft. It is almost whisper-like, as she doesn't raise her voice for others. Eira easily spaces off on topics that don't interest her. Getting her attention is difficult when very little topics pique her interests enough to engage in conversation. She falls deaf to the world around her to be submerged into her very own, a world difficult for her to slip out of willingly. By the off chance something catches her attention, she'll present more attentiveness and engagement. She'll give sweet smiles, compliments, and small gifts of appreciation towards people whose company she favors after getting to know them. It's a simple, harmless, predictable game to play around every new face. Unfortunately, these gestures are nothing more than a performance to mask her eccentricities. Kindness means nothing to her.

As people come to get to know her, there will be evidence of her not being as naive as she pretends to be. She is notorious for discussing unusual and disturbing subjects into casual conversations without further explanation. Such subjects often dwell into her internalized nihilistic views of the world. Her own life, as well as everything else she interacts with, is insignificant and fulfills no purpose. Her disconnection from reality makes a gateway to treat life like a game, making reckless actions without consequences. Innocent passerby fall victim to her inhumane experiments, in addition to her piling criminal record for breaking an array of laws when life feels monotone. She is indifferent to feeling pain and remorse. Joy is an enigma to her to the point where it's seen as superficial and without true substance. Eira is oblivious to those that express their love to her, no matter what kind of love it is. Such emotions are dismissed, as she sees no point in investing into that kind of emotional energy. Less is more in terms of the people she lets into her inner-circle of relationships. It's not the biggest of Eira's concerns, being as emotionally detached as she is.


  • Has a difficult time showing empathy. She falls quiet and dissociates when personal, emotion-arousing topics are summoned.
  • Her hands always feel cold.
  • Collects knives of historical, religious, and artistic value. They're not the same knives she uses for personal matters.
  • People can be blatantly obvious over their crush or admiration for her, and Eira would have no clue why they act so weird around her.
  • She prefers to blend in with the crowd as to not draw attention to herself, if she can't stay couped up in her home.
  • As a freelance photographer, she travels inside and outside of Silverbrooke to take pictures of cityscapes, landscapes, and wildlife to sell.
  • Actively avoids talking about her true personal life. If she has to, she'll have to recall details of her cover story to entertain others with. This does not put her at unease, but it's very unfavorable when thrown the "tell me about yourself" question so many times before.
  • Besides appreciating art through photography, Eira occasionally partakes in crafting small trinkets with resin.
  • Is fond of light and fluffy shaved ice desserts. Blueberry or blue raspberry are her go-to flavors.
  • The snowberries on her horns can be eaten, but they are mildly toxic for human consumption. Those who eat them will feel dizzy, have upset stomachs, and may cause vomiting. She'll make a simple syrup with them to discreetly put into people's drinks towards those she dislikes.
  • She is CPR certified and can perform first aid for children and adults.
  • Is allergic to pollen. You point a flower at her, she'll start a sniffling and sneezing fit.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum quis mauris vel nisi tempus mollis sit amet in sapien. Vivamus vitae egestas elit, congue dapibus ex. Nam id elit sed enim feugiat consequat. Proin sit amet accumsan mi. Vestibulum scelerisque, orci a volutpat malesuada, nisl turpis blandit neque, in volutpat enim lacus sit amet leo. Donec convallis iaculis risus in volutpat. Aliquam id metus mi. Nulla purus diam, laoreet convallis sollicitudin pharetra, vestibulum in nisl. Nunc ut turpis massa. Aenean tellus sapien, rutrum eget pharetra at, vestibulum nec sapien. Nulla varius massa non consequat vulputate.

Vestibulum a rutrum dolor. Integer venenatis suscipit magna, sed tincidunt dolor tempor in. Vivamus nisi diam, auctor in ante eget, ultricies lacinia ante. Integer bibendum tortor nisl, et hendrerit est volutpat id. Donec facilisis erat vel efficitur mattis. Phasellus condimentum vestibulum odio eu fermentum. Curabitur malesuada dignissim sem, sit amet malesuada justo porttitor id. Nulla vel eleifend urna, vitae sagittis lorem. Praesent tempor, enim quis egestas eleifend, mi augue vestibulum metus, ac fermentum neque lacus ac lectus. Etiam tristique, lacus eget varius viverra, purus ligula tempor neque, ut pharetra felis enim non velit. Nulla sodales id felis id aliquet. Vivamus ac euismod neque, eu convallis nunc. Nullam viverra erat blandit semper consectetur. Duis porttitor nisl eu dui tempor maximus. Nullam nec arcu congue, ultrices sem eu, dictum turpis.

Donec condimentum blandit congue. Vivamus sodales porta sem at vulputate. Ut a ex elit. Sed vel lacus vitae nisi consequat finibus. Fusce eu tempus arcu. Nulla placerat dapibus dolor non molestie. Vivamus a pellentesque purus. Donec maximus, enim ac vehicula convallis, diam nunc tempus erat, malesuada scelerisque augue neque eu nunc. Mauris in auctor quam. Proin vulputate, nunc laoreet tincidunt varius, nisi nulla aliquam justo, in posuere sapien tortor eu arcu. In metus justo, luctus at pellentesque a, cursus et quam.


  • Cityscapes
  • Ice Art/Snowflakes
  • Philosophy
  • Northern Lights
  • Working Alone

  • Feeling Lonely
  • Mundane Repetitive Tasks
  • Empty Spacious Environments
  • Cheesy Shows/Comedy
  • Public Pools/Bathing Areas

Name | Relationship

Maybe don't write a book here. You can but it might look a lil funky. Quisque quis sagittis dui. Sed sed pellentesque ex. Aliquam quis metus ac ligula gravida mattis ultricies non dolor. Nam augue velit, ultrices vitae vestibulum sed, dignissim eu tortor.

Name | Relationship

Maybe don't write a book here. You can but it might look a lil funky. Quisque quis sagittis dui. Sed sed pellentesque ex. Aliquam quis metus ac ligula gravida mattis ultricies non dolor. Nam augue velit, ultrices vitae vestibulum sed, dignissim eu tortor.

Name | Relationship

Maybe don't write a book here. You can but it might look a lil funky. Quisque quis sagittis dui. Sed sed pellentesque ex. Aliquam quis metus ac ligula gravida mattis ultricies non dolor. Nam augue velit, ultrices vitae vestibulum sed, dignissim eu tortor.