


5 months, 26 days ago


Yo siento que tú me querí, como yo te quiero.


[ About ]

Fenton, the eldest among his eight siblings, hails from a lively family, each member deeply engrossed in their unique passions. Despite the freedom for self-expression granted to his brothers and sisters, Fenton shouldered the role of caretaker at a tender age. His parents were consistently occupied with their ranch, tending to cattle, nurturing animals, and managing crops.

When not looking after his siblings, Fenton could be found working diligently on the ranch. He took immense pride in efficiently managing both his familial responsibilities and ranch duties, yet often found himself overshadowed, his own needs relegated to the backseat due to his seniority. It was only when he was diagnosed with Ankylosing Spondylitis that he received any notable attention, which marked the onset of a new set of challenges, encompassing unbearable pain and mobility limitations.

The demanding work of Fenton's parents on the ranch often left him with very little time to tend to his own needs, causing his medical condition to be frequently overlooked. The weight of being the eldest child, coupled with his ongoing health struggles, contributed to a deterioration in his condition. Before long, Fenton found himself in and out of hospitals, consulting numerous doctors who sometimes failed to understand or listen to him, instilling a growing fear within him.

Over time, Fenton required surgery during his early teenage years. During the procedure, the spinal anesthesia didn't take full effect, despite his protests and concerns. The attending doctor, eager to complete the procedure, ignored his pleas. Fenton's cries and attempts to wriggle free from the pain only seemed to irritate the doctor, and nurses had to hold his legs down. Eventually, Fenton's anesthesiologist administered medication through his IV, rendering his body heavy as a stone and leaving him unable to speak, yet the pain persisted. At that moment, Fenton found himself praying for relief from the excruciating pain, making it feel unbearable. By the time the procedure concluded, he resembled someone who had endured hours of torture. This experience has left Fenton with lasting issues and anxieties related to doctors and hospitals.

Battling unresolved trauma and inner turmoil, Fenton found it increasingly challenging to shoulder the responsibility of looking after his siblings and managing the farm. Eventually, unable to bear the weight of it all, he quietly departed without informing anyone. He descended into a deep, self-destructive state, engaging in risky behaviors and forming associations with unfamiliar and potentially harmful individuals.

Despite surrounding himself with the wrong crowd, Fenton crossed paths with an older woman named Lupe. She exuded strength and resilience, but upon recognizing Fenton's vulnerability, a protective instinct arose within her. Lupe extended a helping hand, offering guidance and unwavering support, all the while keeping a watchful eye on him. The two became inseparable, Lupe constantly protecting Fenton from any harm as if Fenton was her own.

Fenton's struggle with Ankylosing Spondylitis had led him down a dark path of seeking relief through substance abuse. He had discovered that certain drugs could temporarily alleviate his pain and discomfort. However, what started as a means of self-medication had spiraled into dangerous abuse.

One evening, Fenton's reckless consumption of a potent painkiller led to a drug overdose. As the drug took its toll on his body, he found himself on the brink of a life-threatening situation, wracked with intense pain, confusion, and fear. Fortunately, Lupe, deeply concerned about Fenton's well-being, had been keeping a watchful eye on him. She arrived just in time to find him unconscious and struggling to breathe. With a mixture of panic and determination, she called for immediate medical assistance, saving Fenton's life and pulling him back from the precipice of disaster. This near-death experience would serve as a stark wake-up call for Fenton, prompting him to reevaluate his choices and set him on a path towards recovery and responsible living.

[ Personality ]


  • Dancing
  • Literature
  • Gift giving


  • Minors drinking
  • Recklessness
  • Dishonesty


Fenton is a calm and wise individual, despite his relatively young age. His experience in taking care of his younger siblings and dealing with his medical condition has made him mature beyond his years. Fenton has a strong sense of appreciation. He values the people in his life and isn't shy about expressing gratitude.

His appreciation extends to those who have helped him, like Lupe, and he tries to pay it forward by being there for others. He doesn't want anyone to feel neglected if he can help it, thus he checks in regularly on others and makes an effort to show his care and love.

[ Basics ]

AGE 22
OCCUPATION Museum Docent

[ Story & Trivia ]

With Lupe's guidance and unwavering support, Fenton eventually returned to his family's ranch. His homecoming was a heartwarming, tear-filled reunion that served as a poignant reminder of the love he had from his family. While he remained a steadfast pillar of support for them, he now had someone by his side to lean on as well. Over time, Fenton rekindled his passion for literature, history, and embracing his cultural heritage. Despite his enduring chronic condition, he engaged in more physical activity and even dancing, which helped alleviate both his physical and mental pain. With Lupe's assistance, he secured a job at a local historical museum, where his unwavering passion for history made him the perfect docent.

In due course, Fenton evolved into the man he is today, known for his genuine care and deep appreciation for the people in his life. He consistently reaches out to family and friends, ensuring their well-being and happiness, expressing his love and gratitude through acts of kindness and thoughtful gestures, be it lending a hand on the ranch, providing words of encouragement, or being a steadfast presence during challenging moments. As he grows and matures, Fenton learns to strike a harmonious balance between his responsibilities and his personal aspirations. He has expanded his social circle, cultivating close friendships, and even developing a profound affection for a man named Maloy, a regular visitor to the museum. With newfound confidence and wisdom, he continues to persevere and thrive.

  • As much as he loves to study and read, he enjoys gaming with his friends Ollie and Ezekiel, even if recently they've been running into many...losing streaks.
  • Fenton wears a chest/back harness, which eases the pain on himself. He hardly takes it off, unless he's going to bed.
  • Living on a large ranch and his family Hispanic, they tend to throw large parties for all to join! To which Fenton could be seen in his ranchero attire, dancing with his friends. On rare occasions, he'll place his hat onto those he's interested in.

[ Relationships ]



Fenton's heart is quietly conquered by Maloy, a gentle and soft-spoken visitor to the historical museum where Fenton works as a docent. As their paths continue to cross, Fenton's thoughts become increasingly consumed by the man. Despite Maloy's guarded demeanor, Fenton's persistent efforts to spend time with him gradually grow. With each passing day, Fenton's love for Maloy deepens. He often discusses with his friends how in love he is, and hopes to confess soon.

Best Friend


Lupe's protective presence in Fenton's life is akin to a guardian spirit watching over him, especially during his turbulent youth. From their very first encounter, she recognized the vulnerability beneath his youthful rebellion and decided to stay by his side, much like a devoted fox guarding its cherished offspring. Her watchful eyes never wavered, and whenever she sensed danger on the horizon, she swiftly stepped in. Their bond is a testament to a deep and enduring sibling-like connection, where Fenton's admiration for Lupe and her unwavering guidance were instrumental in helping him navigate his formative years.

Close Friend


In their initial meeting, Fenton's exuberance and lively spirit worked as a counterbalance to Ezekiel's reserved nature, allowing him to open up and break down his gloomy facade. Over the years, they drifted apart, only to reunite with entirely changed personas. Fenton, having matured, became a beacon of calm and wisdom, while Ezekiel transformed into a more boisterous and mischievous guy. Despite the reversal of their roles, their friendship remained steadfast and grew even stronger. Their bond is so deep that outsiders often mistake them for being in a romantic relationship, to which Fenton denies and Ezekiel accepts with open arms.

Close Friend


Leviathan and Fenton's relationship is a tender and delicate dance of emotions. From their initial encounters in the underground facilities where Fenton attempts to overcomes his resistance to medical care, a unique bond forms. Fenton's kind and caring nature resonates deeply with Leviathan, who, in contrast, carries a nervous and timid disposition. Fenton's genuine respect and consideration for Leviathan make him feel valued and special, creating a sense of warmth and trust in their interactions. As Leviathan's feelings gradually deepen into a quiet admiration from afar, Fenton remains oblivious to the budding crush.

Close Friend


Fenton and Ollie share a special friendship that's marked by playful banter, laughter, and a deep mutual respect. Their dynamic is a delightful mix of Fenton's wisdom and Ollie's spirited enthusiasm. They often engage in friendly bickering, with Fenton serving as the voice of reason while Ollie dives headfirst into the excitement of the moment. Ollie's brief confession of deep love, though initially taken seriously, ultimately becomes a source of lighthearted amusement for both of them. Their bond remains unshaken, and they often come together for shared activities like playing video games with Ezekiel.