Hunter Bryant



7 months, 20 days ago


Don't listen to what that old guy thinks of you, you just do you, and you'll figure it out.
  • Full Name Hunter Bryant
  • Age 19 (Physically)
  • BirthdayApril 6th, 1980
  • Height5'10
  • GenderMale
  • Sexuality Gay
  • SpeciesShade 
  • RaceAfrican American 
  • BirthplaceAtlanta, Georgia
  • HomeThe Shade Realm
  • Languages English
  • Playlist


Hunter was a young man who died violently before being transformed into a rabbit themed shade. 


Hunter's human appearance appears as a young black man with vitiligo, which leaves his skin covered in pale patches. He has a notable heart-shaped patch around his left eye. His black hair is done up in cornrows and often covered with a green beanie. He dresses like he walked out of the 90's still wearing the lime green windbreaker he wore back in the day. His jacket and beanie are decorated with a variety of buttons and pins.

His shade form appears as an inky demon with the shape of an anthropomorphic rabbit, with large red eyes and a wide jaw full of sharp teeth.


Hunter is a chill, humorous guy with a strong sense of justice. Of all of the shades, he is the most laid back and unserious about his job, often goofing off or making jokes in a fight. He's clever and will use unconventional methods to getting a job done, but his biggest flaw is his need to gloat or crack a joke, which leaves him distracted.

Hunter is willing to do some pretty cruel things against his enemies, but he's not a monster, and feels empathy for people, especially those like Emmett. After a while, he even starts to question his own morals and if they line up with the kinds of things Vahit wants from him.


Hunter grew up in Atlanta in the 80's and 90's with his mother who ran pet grooming shop. He had a good life, his mother despite being a single mom made ends meet, and Hunter was a good son who respected her and appreciate her efforts.

He was a normal child up until age five where he started developing white patches on his skin. After a trip to the doctors, it was confirmed hunter had Vitiligo, an autoimmune condition that was attacking his melanin producing cells, and it was incurable. The patches only spread and grow as he aged, and it left him self conscious about his appearance, especially when strangers would give him strange looks, and kids at school would bully him. To cheer him up, his mother brought home a pet rabbit for him, a black and white bunny with a patch around her eye matching Hunters. Hunter instantly fell in love with the creature, naming her Oreo, and would take excellent care of her.

In high school, Hunter would try to branch out and make more friends. He'd compensate for his looks by trying to be funny and the class clown. He'd eventually make friends with a group as a result. They were rebellious trouble makers that often skipped school and smoked weed in the parking lot, but they were chill and didn't treat Hunter like he was diseased. Though they did often make fun of him and make him the butt of the joke, he tolerated it as they were his only friends. 

It wasn't until he found out that they were all in a gang and were actively mugging people and breaking into shops in his neighborhood that he backed out of the group. He was called a narc and berated for abandoning them, but that wouldn't be the last he'd hear from them.

In the middle of the night, he'd hear the windows in the downstairs shop breaking. He'd make his way downstairs to find his old friends destroying the place and stealing money from the cash register and safe. Worst of all, he found Oreo, whose kennel sat by the window, beaten to death. Enraged and needing to protect his home and family business, Hunter grabbed a bat from under the desk and started swinging. But, he was no match against 5 large men, and they started beating him within an inch of his life. This distracted them long enough for the police to arrive and have all of them arrested, but Hunter would succumb to his wounds and die.

Vahit who was in the area in disguise, would recognize this heroic gesture and take pity on the boy, offering him a second chance at life by turning him into a shade. He'd convince Hunter that Vahit was on a righteous mission to rid the world of those who took advantage of others, which was enough to convince Hunter to give him his loyalty. He eventually took Jeremie's place on Vahit's elite assassin team.


Being a shade, Hunter has the powers that come with being an undead creature. His blood is made of a black, versatile substance that he can manipulate at will. This allows for a great amount of shapeshifting and blood bending. He can easily change between his human and monster form, heal from most wounds, and use his blood as a physical weapon.

Hunter's special ability is separating his body into smaller portions that can act as independent creatures he can control. For example, he can remove his hand, and that hand can turn into a small rabbit that can run off and spy for him. He can control these parts of himself and see, hear, feel, smell and event taste what they do. His whole body can even transform into a swarm of rabbits, and the only way to defeat him is to find the rabbit with his heart.

He can also infect people with a small piece of him, which will invade their blood and mirror damage done to him onto the host.


A shade's powers have their limits. Being a demon made of darkness, he is weak to light. Sunlight is more effective, but even artificial light can hurt him over time. He's also weak to fire. Most shades also have a vulnerability in their crystal heart, which contains their soul and allows them to take physical form. If it's destroyed, they die.


  • Music
  • Rabbits
  • Vibing


  • Racists
  • Hurting Innocents
  • Being serious.


  • The heart shaped button on his beanies is his favorite.