🎐ㅤ. . owlabyss



6 months, 24 days ago



36 moons.


Ethervein Empire.



Basic Information

Owlabyss is known for his ability to adapt effortlessly, often mistaken for someone devoid of emotions and with a blank expression. He has the remarkable ability to endure pain and face adversity while maintaining a stoic countenance. He has a natural inclination to meticulously observe his surroundings, effortlessly noticing subtle changes in his environment and surroundings, as well as the behavior of cats around him. Showing a preference for solitude or a chosen circle of companions, he often seeks time alone to recharge after social interactions. He tends to keep his thoughts and feelings protected, not revealing them readily to others.

He likes to dedicate his free time to contemplating birds in flight. The gentle scent of dew has a deeply familiar relaxing effect on him. He finds serenity in peaceful moments, and the sight of the mountains brings with it a feeling of security. He reveals a notable dislike towards his own family and those who compulsively weave lies. Among all aversions, betrayal is one of the most intense.

"but it made you stronger." i was a child. i didn't need to be strong. i needed to be safe.


Chapter Name

In the terrain of the Ethervein Empire lands, Owlabyss entered the world as the firstborn son of a rogue. From the early stages of his life, he grew up with a deep sense of rejection and isolation inflicted by his own mother. While his physical necessities were only fulfilled to sustain his survival, his emotional well-being remained neglected. Owl's mother exhibited consistent absence, pushing him to the point of having to plead for her attention, yearning for a connection that seemed perpetually out of reach.

Chapter Name

As Owlabyss reached the age of six moons, a new sibling entered his life, igniting a flame of hatred and envy that consumed his childhood. His own mother begun to ignore his existence, diverting all her love and attention to his sister. Owl, robbed of his carefree childhood, found himself handling the burden of self-teaching vital survival skills like hunting. Bitterness consumed him as he resented his sister for receiving the affection he longed for. Owl's childhood became a relentless struggle for his mother's attention. Owl would find himself resorting to self-inflicted wounds in a futile attempt to capture her gaze, only to find her looking the opposite way. Despite his relentless efforts, his mother remained oblivious to his anguish, further deepening his emotional wounds.

Chapter Name

At the age of fourteen moons, Owl decided he couldn't bear it any longer and fled to the Ethervein Empire. Despite skepticism from some tribe members, he was eventually accepted and given the name Owlabyss after his warrior ceremony. In his new life, he met Boartusk, but his troubled past made him hesitant to let anyone in. However, Boartusk worked hard to earn his trust, and they became inseparable best friends.

In a time when life seemed to be going remarkably well for Owlabyss, he found himself going on a solitary walk when he crossed paths with his mother. Owlabyss hurried to escape her presence, not wanting to engage. Yet, she started speaking, telling a tale of missing him and thinking he was dead, attempting to manipulate him into returning. Owlabyss saw through her lies and, overwhelmed by emotion, a deadly strike escaped him, ending her life. Stunned, he stood there, feeling numb as the realization of what he had done sank in. He had unintentionally killed his own mother.

Haunted by guilt and pain, Owlabyss withdrew from everyone, including Boartusk, who had been his closest companion. Despite the distance, Boartusk remained devoted, refusing to let their friendship fade away. As the one person Owlabyss trusted, Boartusk offered solace and support during his darkest moments.


Skill Name

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis sollicitudin elit sed tellus blandit viverra sed eget odio. Donec accumsan tempor lacus, et venenatis elit feugiat non. Duis porta eros et velit blandit dapibus. Curabitur ac finibus eros. Duis placerat velit vitae massa sodales, eget mattis nibh pellentesque.

Skill Name

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis sollicitudin elit sed tellus blandit viverra sed eget odio. Donec accumsan tempor lacus, et venenatis elit feugiat non. Duis porta eros et velit blandit dapibus. Curabitur ac finibus eros. Duis placerat velit vitae massa sodales, eget mattis nibh pellentesque.

Skill Name

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis sollicitudin elit sed tellus blandit viverra sed eget odio. Donec accumsan tempor lacus, et venenatis elit feugiat non. Duis porta eros et velit blandit dapibus. Curabitur ac finibus eros. Duis placerat velit vitae massa sodales, eget mattis nibh pellentesque.








His relationship with his mother is deeply strained. Throughout his life, he was consistently deprived of her care and attention, resulting in a significant distance between them. Mutual ignorance characterizes their relationship; he knows very little about his mother, and vice-versa. He perceives her as immature and narcissistic, and he also bears the burden of being responsible for her passing.

He has never experienced a healthy relationship with his sister. Their interactions were driven by feelings of hatred and jealousy, primarily stemming from the unequal attention and care he received from their mother compared to his sister. This has left him with a bitter perspective on his sister. He currently has no knowledge of her whereabouts and actively avoids seeking any updates.

His first-ever best friend holds a special place in his heart. Owlabyss views their connection as a form of platonic soulmates; a unique bond where they complement each other perfectly. The mere presence of Boartusk is enough to bring immense joy to Owlabyss, and he deeply appreciates the cat's presence in his life. He wouldn't exchange this friendship for anything in the world. Even though they grew apart following the accident, both have been working hard to rebuild their friendship, and their bond remains as strong as ever.

His second best friend shares a strong connection with Owlabyss, as they can relate to each other through shared issues. Owlabyss holds deep affection for Zephyrs and the thought of losing their friendship would be devastating. He eagerly seeks opportunities to spend time with Zephyrs, and their favorite activities together include engaging in late-night conversations and going on peaceful walks.