Kadesh "The Chariot" (Farah)



7 months, 11 days ago


Notes to self;

- the drive of the operation - comes up with all the goals but not really the plans. Full of ambition and desire for riches and luxurious items.

- very extroverted, hates being alone. Seems really friendly but usually has her hand in your pocket without you noticing

- born in the Mirror World. Raised in an orphaned with Nier but was never adopted. Eventually aged out of the system. Lived on the streets as a petty Thief. Found Nier and reignited their friendship/fell in love (kind of like Salvador and Mercutio but evil)

- did not convince or enticed Nier to start stealing from the adopted family (Nier made that decision on her own) but did not stop her from doing so.

- ran away with Nier and joined the Tarrot Terrors (Nier's idea). Saw little Kami - The Judgement - and took her under wing (Nier agreed no argument)

- better of the two at selling things to others, has gift of gab

- not stupid but not book smart - no education, barely literate