Kadesh "The Chariot" (Nier)



7 months, 11 days ago


Noted to self;

- the 'brains' of the operation. Smarter than Farah but more withdrawn, less outgoing and more introverted.

- number one Farah simp.

- Farah's gf - always finding ways to achieve what Farah wants and showering her with riches. 

- born in the Mirror World. 

- was an orphan in the same orphanage as Farah. They were friends but got separated when Nier was adopted by a rich family - picked because she was a Special Royal while Farah was ignored. Nier hated it with her new 'family' who saw her as both an investment and a charity case, something to be paraded around to show how '''noble and kind''' they were. Poured lots of money into her education (maybe they have a bio child??? Undecided). 

- somehow reunites with Farah (who now lives on streets after aging out of the system) and starts stealing from her adopted family and sneaking away to be with her. Ends with a big 'heist' where they both steal lots and skedaddle.

- together they join Tarot Terrors (Nier's idea) earning respect within the gang and rising up the ranks. Farah enjoying all the money while Nier enjoys her happiness. Eventually take The Judgement (Judge) under their wings and teach her all about stealing and conning Kamis (this was Farah's idea)

- at some point awaken Kadesh???