


10 months, 23 days ago


Basic Info
Thomas Ellis
Currently ~18-19, story spans from 8+
October 18th
Male He/Him
Skinny, fit
Washington, USA
Blood Type
Pansexual, Demisexual
Art and Video Game Design Student
It's Complicated
  • Video Games
  • Skateboarding
  • Being Social
  • His family
  • Digital Art/Pixel Art
  • Food. All of it.
  • Helping others
  • Learning/trying new things
  • Grey
  • Childish humor
  • Being Alone
  • Being solely in charge
  • Mess/Dirtiness
  • Politics
  • Rude Humor
  • Because of his family moving to Japan when he was 8, he had to learn japanese at a young age. As a young adult, even though he doesn't actively speak or study the language, a lot of what he learned is built into his brain and he can recall it if he really wants to.
  • Became second in command in both art club and the LGBTQ+ club in his high school. He would've been leader if he didnt get so nervoues being in charge fully.
  • Because he grew up during a lot of family commotion, his upbringing turned out a lot more accepting and positive than his siblings. At the same time, seeing their struggle and pain made him understand in some way how hard life can be, and how lucky he is to have parents who were willing to change. Because of this, he's grown to be a very empathetic, bright and considerate person.
  • Hasn't noticed, but clearly is attracted to androgyny and people who break gender roles/norms.
  • Started with learning pixel art due to his love for video games and then upgraded to doing digital art later.
  • Is really good at FPS games like Overwatch and able to fulfill any spot thats needed, though he prefers to play as characters he thinks are cute and usually ends up playing a healer(because his friends suck at healing)
Bright . Empathetic . Social . Guillable

Much like his older brother, Thomas is bright and typically seen with a smile on his face. Though not quite as energetic and goofy as his brother, he still loves having fun and spendng time with his friends and family. He grew up having to spectate on his close ones struggles, which made him more aware of the emotional and mental struggles of others, especially those struggling with finding their identity. Because of this increased awareness and care for others and their feelings though, he's easy to use and manipulate, often being preyed on by others.


Thomas grew up during a rough patch in his families lives; His older brother came out and admitted to deep mental/emotional issues he's had for years, his sister was at the point of moving out and on the verge of cracking from all the pressure between life and family, he lost his grandma and then became closed off from their extended family, and his family essentially adopted in Mahiru as he fought his own demons. Being the kind and curious boy he was, he observed a lot and in turn grew to be a very empathetic and caring person, always looking to create a bit of positivity in someone elses life or hear them out if they're down. Lucky for him, he was learning of his own identity after his parents really made the push to understand LGBTQ+ lives and rights, making his coming out much easier and feeling lots of love and support in turn. Despite the love from his family, peers and people he was interested in often ridiculed and made misguided comments about his "asexual" label. Due to his guillable and selfless ways, mixed into a need to find his "one", he gets roped into a relationship that's much more harmful than he realizes until Jessie shows up in his life and begins to push his way into bringing him comfort he didn't know he needed. He's currently in a phase where he's lost-- what is his worth? why is he always so lost? why can't he make people he cares about happy?

Sora and Mahiru | Brother and Brother-in-law

Thomas treasures these two dearly; when he first started getting bullied when he began to udnerstand his sexuality, he came out to them first and asked for their help. He's continued to confide in them when he's had issues or needed advice. All good things here!!

Chey | Sister

Chey is a little particularly weak to Thomas. He pretty much never gets her sass, and she's always checking up on him and making sure he's okay. They have a strong connection, even if they don't hang out as much as he and his brothers do.

Alex | Close Friend, Brother-in-Law

Thomas fits into Alex's "little brother" spot that was empty after the death of his brother Max. Thankfully, Thomas is MUCH different than Max and Alex really loves having a little brother who wants to spend time with him and even asks him about art.

Thomas has a really close relationship with his parents, especially sicne he's the youngest and therefore the only one left in the house, the two having to take out all their parental love on him. Despite Thomas usually being a bit more shy or tip-toey when it comes to it, Thomas is open to calling them out in problematic things they say or do because he knows theyre just misguided and need some help to understand the appropriate ways to handle/say things. Mom calls him her little buddy, and deifnitely doesn't take it well once he moves out.

Ashe | Complicated, Ex

Ashe was Thomas first real crush. When Ashe didn't seem interested in dating, Thomas instead ended up dating someone who eneded up assualting him and later ridiculing him at school. Ashe stands up for him, even starting a physical fight that lands the three in toruble. Afterwards, Thomas finally gathers the courage to convicne Ashe to date him--even if their identities are confusing and unclear, they should learn about themselves together and support each other! Ashe is convinced due to the very bright and positive way he's spun something thats otherwise terrifying. A first, their relationship is great; they're teens, they have lots of new thigns to experience, they have fun together...but once things start to feel more like an actual relationship and they've far moved on from the excitement of seeing new places and trying new things, Ashe starts to fall out it, realizing they were more in it for the experience and not because they ever developed feelings for him. Ashe gets more frustrated by the relationship and takes it out on Thomas, who becomes harder on himself. Despite trying to make things work out, Ashe becomes more distant(emotional, but also physically as they move to California to "find freedom") and eventually spiteful towards Thomas. Thomas just wants the person he grew close to to come back, to be genuinely happy-- Ashe just wants to do whatever they can for a a momentary thrill, a high, a laugh, to feel okay about themself...even if that comes at the expense of Thomas.

Nana | Family Friend

Eli | Family Friend

Jessie | Crush

Thomas was told about Jessie from Camila, but didn't put too much thought into meeting them until they suddenly appeared before him like a gift from above. Immediately, Thomas thinks Jessie is the most stunning person he's ever seen and he finds them incredibly sweet and charming. Despite Ashe's echoing voice telling him not to, he makes his own push to become closer with Jessie. Jess is the one who eventually comes to understand the abusive relationship Thomas is in and has an intervention with him. Thomas finally gets the strength to end his relationship with ashe and refocus on rememebring who he is, but the comfort that Jess has brought him is unforgettable. Whenever he's down, he finds peace in talking to Jess. He...very obviously has a crush on them but is too dumb and focused on his own life to even fully understand it.

Eric | Complicated