


7 months, 21 days ago


  • Nanao (Nana)
  • Straight
  • She/Her

Nanao is spoiled, girly and confident. She grew up as an only child in a huge fancy home with a dad who loved her more than anything...which of course, means she got everything she wanted and more. Her mom was always obsessed with looks, so from a young age Nana got into fashion and makeup and it became integral in her life. She loved the girly and preppy vibes that made her feel ultra feminine, especially since boys at school often made fun of her for being "tall like a dude" after hitting her growths spurt early and towering over her classmates at 5'9. Being proud in her looks and lifting up other women is her whole thing, and she's not afraid to run her mouth when others are being rude or misogynist.

Despite her spoiled, rich lifestyle, she didn't get along well with her mother who was extremely judmental and controlling. In this building angst, and due to becoming friends with goth queen Ayame, Nana got into metal and rock music in middle school and it completely changed her life. Since, she tempted the line between soft girl vibes and the punk alt aesthetics.

Nana and Buki essentially grew up together as the "Weird looking" girls in elementary school. The two formed a pretty close bond havign to stick up for each other and quickly became BFFs. The two met Ayame, who was 2 years younger, later when their parents connected. The three girls, despite having a wide range of styles, all got along perfectly and became a tight knit group. Ayame eventually began telling them about Mahiru, a shy homeschooled boy who had no friends besides her. She keeps pushing that they'll like him but Nana thinks he...well, sounds like a loser and possibly just a creep who just wants to get close to girls. After he's finally invited to a sleepover, Nana begins to see he's actually nice to be with, and Ayame was right....he definitely is gay. Nana and Mahiru get closer over time. He teaches her how to play guitar and bass, and he gets her into singing. She eventually suggests making a band and her, Buki and Mahiru start one, mainly just creating music and uploading it online, just hoping to find an audience. Much later, a talent agent finds them and offers them a contract- though as a jpop group rather than a jrock group like she imagined. It's a huge change up, but they go for it and having to work even closer, Nana and Mahiru form more of a brother-sister bond. They hear each other out on the most sensitive of subjects and eventually become each others go to for sexual advice/questions/etc. Nana and Mahiru's relationship gets estranged a bit once he moves, causing some issues between them. After several life altering events(getting married, changing professions, moving to America...), the two get back to their typical ways. Without Aya and Buki around, Nana's go to is to ask Mahiru, or sometimes Sora, to go shopping and grab boba with her.