


10 months, 23 days ago


Basic Info
20's, Story spans from 16+
October 6th
Female She/Her
Blood Type
Vampire men tbh
Fashion Designer
  • Vampire
  • Goth/Alt fashion
  • Spooky things
  • Traveling
  • Horror movies
  • Socializing
  • Victorian Decor
  • Rock/Metal
  • Makeup
  • Garlic
  • Lots of bright colors
  • Clashing patterns
  • Staying home too much
  • She literally thinks her husband is a vampire
  • Despite her intense love for darkness and spooky things, she gets along with others easily and vibes with anyone, no matter their style.
  • Mother is a well-known fashion designer who owns her own fashion line. She currently works with her mom in her company.
  • Dad ran away when she was young, so she has no idea who she is, and she honesty isn't bothered by it! She loves her mom and grandparents and grew up pretty happily
  • She was often scruntized for not being married when she had her daughter, Umeko. While being interveiwed by press about it, she laughed until she cried and walked away, leaving the public flabbergasted. She's become known as a challenger of societal norms.
  • Speaks pretty fluent in Korean and Chinese. Still struggles with English.
Bright . Busy-Body . Energetic . Confident

Ayame almost always has a smile on her face. Looking at her style and intense obsession with vampires and goth things, people are quick to assume she's dark and brood but shes very much the opposite! She's a huge social butterfly and busy-body. She loves to stay busy and she gets her work done fast! She often is able to laugh off bad things, and she's very loyal to her friends. It comes at a bit of risk though, often so busy and trying to keep a handle on so many relationships, others(including some of her closest friends) get left behind time to time.


Despite not having a father, Ayame had a wonderful childhood. Her grandparents own a line of luxury hotels in the mountains and her mother slowly worked her way to the top in the fashion industry. She grew up very close to her family and aspired to work in the same industry as her mom, often tagging along to whatever events/meetings she could to learn and explore the world. Following her mother around as a kid is actually what caused her to meet the two most important people in her life: Her future husband Kage, son of an actor and totally a real life vampire, and her closest friend Mahiru. Ayame meets Mahiru after tagging along with her mom to a social event at Mahiru's house. Hearing a "great artist" and "best-selling author" were the hosts, Ayame thought the house would be full of artistic inspiration. Instead, she found the house was...pretty bland, and the art was uninspired. Tired of listening to adults schmooze, she wandered around and ends up finding Mahiru sitting on the stairs, looking nervous as he contemplated something. She watches him for a bit...he looked about her age and like he was on the verge of tears. She asks him what's wrong and he rushes back upstairs to his room, his pup following. She tries to talk to him and asks what he was doing. He peeks out and admits he was wondering if his parents would be angry with him if he went to get something to eat...She laughs and says he's kinda strange. He feels bad, and says she likes strange. The two bond pretty quick, and when it's time to leave, she admits that she met and had fun with Mahiru. Due to the expressions on his parents faces, she gets the idea this was...a bad thing? She enjoyed hanging out with him though and is persistant in asking her mother if they can hang out. Eventually, it happens and she's allowed to hang out with him more. She quickly learns that 1. Mahiru's parents are mean 2. They're only letting her hang out with him because they think he'll marry her, and they can have a powerful ally on their side(her mom) and 3....Mahiru most definitely is gay. She finds it cool that hes different from others, and Mahiru is flustered to find someone who doesn't think it's werid. The two continue to get close and eventually she introduces him to two of her close friends, Buki and Nana. The group of four become insperable for a good few years. Over these years, Ayame picks up a few clues here and there to solidify that Mahiru's parents are bad people, but she never presses more on the subject, preferring to keep positive and do what she can to make him happy instead. This is also the precise reason she's quick to tell Mahiru about the foreign boy in her class that's exactly his type! Ayame continues to try to talk Mahiru into getting close with Sora, becoming a bit of a link between them until eventually their relationship starts to blossom. With Mahiru and Sora eventually dating and Mahiru's band being given a contract, she thinks things are really looking up for him, and she starts to refocus on her own goals again, leaving Mahiru and most of her close friends in the wayside. Once she begins traveling a lot for her work, she's rarely seen by her friends, which ends up making them feel more alienated than she realizes.

When Ayame get pregnant, she seeks out and ask Mahiru and Sora and asks if they'd be the godparents, adding that there's a possibility could die during childbirth and wants to make sure she has people loving, accepting and responsible she can rely on to take care of her child. Slowly, she starts to read the two and comes to realize they want to start a family of their own. From this point on, she does her best to be an advocate for the two and provide them with an info that she can.

Mahiru | Childhood friend

Ayame met Mahiru after his last minor heart surgery. She noticed a lot of things about his right away: he was a nervous-wreck, he seemed scared of his parents, he was extremely shy and insecure, he seemingly had never talked to someone his age much less had any friends....but he was sweet, and he had thigns he was passionate about. She could tell he was a lot more than meets the eye, and she wanted him to break out of his shell so bad!! She could tell he'd been through a lot, so she planned for him to meet her friends who also had been through a lot in their own ways...Nana and Buki. With the help of his three close friends, Mahiru starts to open up a bit, and its because of Ayame and her mothers influecne that Mahiru is finally allowed to go to an in-person school. Ayame is quick to notice a particular bright and sunny hottie in her homeroom that's catching all the girls attention. This Sora guy, however, has no interests in the girls, setting off Ayame's gaydar. She convinces Mahiru to try to approach Sora, and for a bit she acts as a middle man. Later in life, Ayame and Mahiru struggle to talk due to their schedules and locations, but they stay close, Ayame always open to hearing from and trying to help Mahiru how she can, or as her schedule allows!

Sora | Close friend

Ayame and Sora got along pretty well from the get go due to similarities in their personalities; both of them are bright, energetic fun-lovers! After noticing Sora clearly avoiding or shooting down signals from girls interested in him, she realizes he probably isn't interested in girls and tels Mahiru about him. she decides to get closer to him, aiming to decipher hima nd learn what she can to relay to her friend, hoping to entice him into asking him out. Her plan...works, essentially. Sora and Ayame stay close, Ayame always offering her Mahiru-reading abilities and extensive knowledge on his likes/dislikes to aid him however he needs; That is, until, Sora gets to know more than Mahiru than she does and she becomes a bit...useless in that regard, besides the occassional double checking on gifts. When Ayame gets busy, she ends up forgetting to stay in touch with Sora until much later when she find sout she's pregnant and there could be possible complications. Her request of the couple happens to fall right when Sora is going through an identity crisis, and she happily helps him through it and gives him fashion tips to help guide his self-expression. Later, when she figures out Mahiru and Sora want to start a family, she dedicates herself to being the spool of baby knowledge for them.

Mahiru's Parents | Uncomfortable

From the get go, Ayame didn't like the vibe of these two. When Ayame first visited their house, even at 12 years old she could get the sense that they were entirely fake around people they thought might be of use to them and their work was very unspired. After her mother purchased a painting form his father and he was claimed to be a master, she was pretty excited to explore the work he'd have at his house, but what she finds feels mostly unoriginal or pandering, the more inspired works giving an uncomfortable vibe, even to someone who enjoyed dark vibes and media. As she gets closer to Mahiru, she starts to see more of them. When another adult isn't around, they're more cold, distant and rude towards her. Due to Mahiru's suspicious behavior and nervousness, she starts to suspect they're pretty mean to him behind closed doors, and she even notices a few of his bruises, but as a young busy body, it doesn't quite dawn o nher what abuse Mahiru is going through at home in the hand sof these two. She doens't put the pieces together until much later, making many of her old memories involving Mahiru and his parents complicated.

Nana | Close friend

Ayame was the one to introduce Nana into rock/metal music, complicating her from the pink-vibes only girl to a mish-mash of aesthetics. These two never struggle to stay in touch as they're both huge socialietes and Nana enjoys staying close to those she's already close with. Ayame wishes Nana liked kids a bit more though...She always seems like she doesn't know what to do with herself when she's around her lil Umeko.

Buki | Close friend

Ayame and Buki get along super well due to their fun-loving and energetic perosnalities. Unlike a lot of people who are put off by Buki's sarcasm and rude comments, Ayame sees them as jokes and laughs them off, never phased.

Eli | Friend, Sora's Old friend, Nana's S/O

Ayame and Eli get along decently well, though theres not much they relate on, mostly only friends through association.

Alex | Friend

Ayame and Alex get along decently well, though theres not much they relate on, mostly only friends through association.

Chey | Friend

Ayame and Chey get along decently well. Past high school, they hang out a few times, but mainly only when it's a group of girls or a party. Ayame isn't phased by Chey's rudeness or sarcasm. They don't have much in common, making it hard for Chey to find conversation topics that arne't her brother or Mahiru.

Ayame and these guys get along decently well, though theres not much they relate on, mostly only friends through association. Ayame isn't great at english, so they really struggle to communicate when she's at events with them.