Sweetbrier (Nelvana Series)



3 months, 30 days ago


Name Aiglantin
Nickname/s ––
Gender Male (He/Him)
Age Unknown
Orientation Homosexual
Race Shapeshifting Flower
Residence Rosebud Mountains

Aiglantin is the only known member of his kind, a shapeshifting rose who can take on any form he pleases. However, he only chooses the forms that interest him the most. Hence, why he chooses the form of a human.

The flowers in his sanctuary are sought after by various villains, but mainly by No Heart for spells, much to Aiglantin’s delight.

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Aiglantin has lived in the Rosebud Mountains for as long as he can remember. He’s always taken care of the ecosystem, which relies on his magic to survive. A select few have attempted to visit his sanctuary, mainly to try to take the flowers and fruits from his gardens.

One person tried to pick him from the sanctuary, resulting in Aiglantin revealing himself. He and the person grew close and became friends over the years, with Aiglantin eventually developing some sort of feelings towards them, but the visits stopped after a while. That was until Aiglantin had seen the human coming up to his sanctuary one day after a few years, only to reveal that they were there to pick flowers for their wedding.

It resulted in Aiglantin taking on a human form, attending the wedding as a ‘guest’, and deciding that his sanctuary would no longer be used for the mere enjoyment of humans. He was heartbroken; an emotion that he never felt before, and one that he believed was just something that humans made up.

The village ended up being destroyed and buried by vines and other plants at Aiglantin’s command. Even to this day, the village remains buried, and Aiglantin acts as if it never even existed.

A while later, a small fruit bat ended up in his sanctuary and had eaten most of the fruit, resulting in some of the plants to wither. Upon confrontation, the fruit bat revealed himself to be a vampire named Valentino, who was kicked out of his castle and needed to find a new home. Aiglantin made a deal with Valentino, in which the vampire would be supplied with fruit and a place to stay, but Valentino would have to help around the sanctuary.

Aiglantin tends to leave the Care Bears alone, unless they mess with him first. He isn’t opposed to them like the other villains, but their presence does cause him to feel regret, shame, and guilt for some of the things he’s done.

He occasionally attends some of their events and celebrations occasionally, his favorite being Care-a-Lot’s birthday festival.

However, there have been a few times where he has targeted them while under the influence of other villains.


Design Notes
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  • Most of his color scheme is based on the Sweetbrier rose , which is the flower that inspired his entire character. His name is taken from Old French’s aiglantin, which is also another name for the rose.
  • Speaking of inspiration, he was originally inspired by Argenti from Honkai Star Rail.
  • Any mention of the village at the bottom of his mountain results in said mentioner being turned into a topiary. What Aiglantin does with these topiaries is unknown, even to Valentino.
  • A lot of the other villains fear Aiglantin due to the fact that he took out an entire village with just a few vines and trees, and it’s a reminder for them not to get on his bad side.
code by jiko