

7 months, 3 days ago


Obsidian ' Runes
28 moons
Demigirl, she/it
Feline, moggie
Outcasted, prophesied cat
" Memento Mori. "
A lithe, tall she-cat with the pelt like that of cobbled stone and charcoal. Her eyes are piercing, light yellow. It's fur seems to hang off of her in wavy clumps of soft, delicate, and thin wisps. She adorns thicker clumps with crow feathers.
Brave + Serious + Intolerant
Obsidian ' Runes is a hard shell to crack. Living on one's own and never being able to trust another without them going behind her back definitely hurt her, and it seems that she won't change. It's beliefs and ideas are special to it, and won't let anything else get in the way.

She did, however, let one cat into her life. After meeting them, Obsidian swore to protect them with whatever it has. Not only protecting the prophecy, protecting *her*. Obsidian is very adamant about having them with her almost always, despite being in different Factions.
- charisma -
- intelligence -
- empathy -
- honesty -
- wisdom -
- curiousity -
we are all stardust and stories -
Obsidian ' Kit was born to the leader of the Faction of Fauna, Opossum ' Star. An heir to the role sent the Faction into rejoice, but the kit grew stranger once she became older. For some reason, the cat showed powers that were original to the Faction of Mortis, their neighboring Faction. Fear and suspicion grew on both her and her parents, Opossum ' Star and Centipede ' Scales.

Due to this growing fear, Opossum ' Star "outcasted" his daughter, or rather, kept her as a warrior who can not take any apprentice or go to any gatherings and meetings. All Opossum wanted was to keep his reputation. Obsidian ' Runes was named for her frightening sense in the world of death-magic and witching runes.
You gave me lifetime memories from temporary moments -
Obsidian ' Runes crept her way into a Gathering one night, when she was feeling particularly daring. It kept to the shadows, but bumped into a certain cat from the neighboring Faction. Dogwood ' Bloom, though they wore their expressions in a timid manner, still struck as intimidating to Obsidian. and it was sure the feeling was mutual. But they both shared something that they both hated about themselves, and found a partnership through their shared outcast.

After getting to know each other through quick and temporary snippets of words of friendship, Obsidian and Dogwood both learned that they were born with swapped powers. They later learned through their respective Seeker and Cultivator, that the two are part of a much bigger problem.
I am terrified by this dark thing that sleeps in me -
Obsidian ' Runes and Dogwood ' Bloom were the start to a scheme that the god of Between, Tenebris, had begun to plan long before they were born. No other cat had heard from Tenebris in moons, and the Between and the Domain of Mortis were crumbling due to his abandonment. Tenebris had imprisoned the god of the Land of Abundance, Viridis, and is now the Land's commander. Obsidian and Dogwood were only the beginning of catastrophe.

Every effort to get in contact with the gods and Tenebris were in vain. All plans were fruitless, and Obsidian had been growing impatient and antsy, while Dogwood was more patient. Obsidian did not want to be the downfall of the Factions, and still be seen as worthless in everyone's eye. What it didn't know was that Dogwood did not see it as worthless at all. They cared about her more than they ever cared about anyone. But, in the end, Obsidian did not heed Dogwood's warning and protest, and took matters into her own paws, passing into the Between to talk to Tenebris herself.
" Do not fear Death. "
Obsidian's dear friend and companion in the prophecy. She was too ignorant to see that Dogwood was trying to help her when they nearly convinced her not to go through with her final plan. If only, maybe then they'd be more than just friends and prophesied partners.
The greatest father ever! /sarc