Zeruel {Crook}



11 months, 14 hours ago



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Called Zeru, Undertaker

Gender Male

Pronouns He/They

Age Unknown

Species Crook

Role Mercenary

Theme Vengeance

HTML Pinky


Surviving in the Alter World is tough. Can you trust other fellows ? Does love and friendship exists there ? Can you encounter anyone without a cannibal scent ? Stay by yourself. Trust only yourself to survive. Build the strongest mental around, wander at all time, discover the truth. Why were you sent in such a hellish place ? Why do you have to suffer from your kin's sins ? Prove that you are worthy. Prove that you deserve to live peacefully.

But when you returned to Skire, life was not the same. It was... peaceful, enjoyable, different, a dream. A place where you don't have to stay alert at all time, a place where you can trust others, a place where Crooks are not your only meal. Skire is a place where you can fix your sins and become a better person. Though, do you want to change, or are you going to face Skire's system ? It is your call.


Height 8'10ft

Build Regular

Eyes Green

Skin Tone Mostly black

Hair Color black, toxic green

Hair Style ANIME??

Demeanor haur haur haur


  • His eyes do not glow.
  • He can have different haircuts, this is just his default one.
  • He has 2 horns, 4 rows of spikes on the neck, 7 spikes on the back and 9 rows of spikes on his tail.
  • His tendrils are not always summoned, which means they aren't always visible.


Friendly Reserved
Polite Blunt
Clever Foolish
Sensitive Tough
Brave Timid
Careful Reckless
Sincere Deceptive
Diligent Lazy
Calm Irritable
Humorous Serious

At the current time, Zeruel is a tough being who keeps to himself most of the time. With time he learned to overcome the hedgehog's dilemma, but still doesn't feel comfortable sharing his feelings or thoughts. He is usually very silent, staying at the back of groups and only interacting when necessary. While he is very secret about himself, his body expresses his inner pain.


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Zeru hates heat. in fact, his fur being dense, he is more adapted to cold temperatures. this is due to the origin of his host, but also, his life in the alter world during the Banishement.

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Zeru suffers from insomnia, which results in being tired, easily annoyed and even sometimes irritable. Due to the fatigue, he tends to lose patience quickly.

Weapon and fighting style

He uses his tail as an offensive and defensive weapon. He stabs his enemies with the spikes on his tail, the same way a stegosaurus would do. The weight of his tail makes each hit stronger, which causes painful wounds to his enemies such as broken bones, torn ligaments and heavy blood loss. He may also use his fists and his pointy knuckle bones in particular to punch his enemies in weak spots.


During the banishement, Zeru has to protect himself against other Crooks as he couldn't trust others. Even his own friends eventually tried to murder him to eat due to the lack of magic. Eventually, he killed them and as he was starving, he decided to devoure their corpses. Now he tends to have cannibalism urges, which may lead him to murder crooks or eat the corpse of his targets. He drags corpses in secret places in order to not get caught. The only one to be aware of his cannibalism is Choshi, as he trusts her since she is also a cannibal.

Fire Magic

After training with Giyas, master of fire, he earned fire magic, although he cannot really use it a lot due to the fact that it requires a lot of energy. Most of the time, it requires him to cannibalize in order to get enough energy to deploy his fire magic. His fire is green, therefore hotter than a normal fire, and can burn at a high degree, not leaving much time to his opponement to survive.



Zeru is closely connected to his host. he is so connected that he had to go through a growing stage, and even can understand his host's fellows.

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Zeruel has choosen a juvenile unidentified creature as a host, causing him to be one of the rare skireans to grow in a natural way. His age is unknown, but it was guessed that he took host when this creature was around 40 years old (those creatures take a long time to pass the juvenile stage due to long magic digestion). shortly after being bor', Zeruel was sent to the Alter World, while he was just a kid, and had to grow up in a hostile environment, teach himself how to survive and learning that he couldn't trust his own fellows. Eventually, Zeruel, as he was starving to death, had to murder the one he trusted in the Alter World to eat, causing him to suffer from trauma and cannibalism.


After being banished for hundreds of years, Zeruel met Choshi, a young Cccat about his age, who helped him to get along with Skire and it inhabitants. She also helped him to transition, which was impossible in the Alter World and is the only person who knows about his cannibal tendencies. However, receiving Choshi's help meant that he was forced to join her mercenary group and stay loyal to her due to his crook instincts.

His rank in the mercenary group is high, around the 2nd or 3rd highest rank (to be determined), due to his loyalty and strenght. He is often called "The Shield" due to his big size and shape, also because he protects his group more than he attacks, but also and mostly "The Undertaker" as he often ends his commrades who are in deep pain, leading him to be mostly insensitive to death. He eventually met Astarion, another Crook, as he was charged to assassinate Astarion's owner. They fought at that moment, Zeru did not want to kill Astarion seeing that he was already in pain from his owner, and hesitated to immediately end him or let him live. The second was his choice, leading them to become friends, and eventually they would become close enough to fall in love with each other. This would be the first time Zeru felt truly loved, despite their love being impossible as he was still charged to assassinate Astarion's owner, and Astarion being forced to defend his owner. At the current moment, Zeruel is trying to find a way to not break his loyalty toward Choshi while also not having to hurt or kill Astarion to complete his mission, which is a hard dilemma as both skireans are as important as his own life to him.







Astarion is the first Crook he has ever trusted, and the very first person he ever had feelings for. They first met as Zeru was ordered to assassinate Astarion's master, which led him to face Astarion as he had to protect his master. He was ordered not to kill Astarion, tieing him up to talk, they started a secret friendship, and eventually it grew into something more serious.




Choshi saved him from loneliness after the traumatic Banishement experience. She offered protection and value in exchange of his loyalty toward her. From that time, he knew he became a mercenary, and therefore, he knew that his hands were gonna get dirty for his own value.




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