


6 months, 19 days ago


  • Astarion

  • 231217_astarion_pagedoll_smaller.gif?ex=
  • age 239
  • gender male
  • race crook
  • masterlist177
  • theme

Your blood like wine


Astarions name meaning little star, the cards life delt him weren't the greatest, created at the start of the banishment he was hunted and almost beat to death. A large cccat named sakari found him and brought him to her home where she brought him back to health under the condition of creating a blood pact for saving his life and keeping him safe from the banishment, having no other option he agreed now owing his life to her till death do them part. Sheltered from the banishment he did sakaris bidding for over 200 years till the banishment was finally lifted. Now free to roam sakari sends him out to lure unsuspecting skire to their doom by the hands of his master. Sakari is not kind to him, the scars on his body are all from her including his right eye which has became blind due to the damage. He can hardly remember what his life was like before falling into sakaris clutches. Like real sharks he has an obsession with blood which sakari uses to her advantage. Astarion is a huge glutton and tends to be always hungry looking for a bite here and there.

 "It's not my fault, I'm not to blame

height 8"5

build Lean

pronouns He/him

s.o. Bisexual

dob May 5th

sign Taurus

Host Shark

occupation Servant

mbti ISTP-A

demeanor Flirtatious/cold

tarot The Moon

Species Crook

obtained Gift

value 235$


  • Fish
  • Blood
  • Wine
  • Boyfriend 


  • Sakari
  • Grapes
  • Humans 
  • Sour things


While astarion no longer remembers this part in his life after years and years of abuse this was the best part of his life. Living a very sheltered and loving life he was formed with the help of his parents in a shark. His parents raised him lovingly teaching him good morals.

Early life

At the age of 39 he was separated from his parents due to the incoming crook banishment, seeking a place to hide he was cornered by a group of humans who promptly attacked him leaving him close to death. Sakari finding the poor dying crook offered some of her help and magic as well as safety from the banishment under the condition of a blood pact where he owes his life to her. Scared and alone he had no choice to accept, sakari kept him hidden for years in her business forcing him into hard labor and abuse. At one point sakari got too close to his face yelling at him causing him to lash out and bite her in the face causing a nasty scar, in retaliation sakari scratched his right eye leaving him permanently blind in it. Years of abuse changed the crook he used to be, every scar on his body is from her.

Present life 

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[ Master ] saved from deaths doorstep and the crook banishment sakari took him in keeping him safe. Now owing his life to her via magic blood contract he does her bidding til death due them part. He hates her with every fiber of his being



[ Gun for hire ] a very old cccat looking to take out sakari, he has the instructions to kill on sight. A few times they have met and always leading to astarion barely escaping with his life leading to punishment from sakari. She calls sakari the devil incarnate which he finds quite amusing... maybe she lets him live every encounter because she feels bad for him



[ Boyfriend ] Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse sit amet massa blandit, fermentum enim a, scelerisque velit. Integer interdum urna ac dui sollicitudin sollicitudin. In feugiat posuere nulla, eget lobortis ante.

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