





Full Name: "Rolmet"   ||   Nickname/s: Role, Captain   ||   Age: Adult??

Height: Vewwy Small    ||   Weight: Plush toy

Birthplace: Somewhere in the parallel world   ||   Current Home: Somewhere??

Occupation: Parallel Nightmare King






Rolmet (or just Role) is from the parallel world, taking the place of the Nightmare King where he is from.
The others aren't quite sure where his counterpart is in their world, nor who it is that's important enough to get swapped with the Nightmare King.

Rolmet acts quite immaturely.
This paired with his short stature (being shorter than even Moon) leads to the others thinking he's a child or that he's not a true Nightmare.
The people from his own world know better...




☆ Mouth is constantly dripping some sort of goo.

☆ Doesn't appear to have visible eyes.

☆ Seems cheerful in most of all situations, unbothered.

☆ Can summon star attacks.

☆ Can summon a starlight bow alongside said attacks to get more damage out of them for a longer cool down.

☆ Has the ability to turn dream folk into nightmares.

