


Full Name: Bewild   ||   Nickname/s: N/A   ||   Age: Adult

Height: Unmeasurable    ||   Weight: Unmeasurable

Birthplace: Unknown   ||   Current Home: Nightmare Land

Occupation: Spooky pop up dude






One of the nightmare folk.
He likes popping out of dark voids and dragging people back in them.
A quick tap of his arms or hands are usually enough to make him retreat.

Has a zipper under his chin.
Sits in a box typically but can pop out of anywhere dark.
Arms and neck seem to stretch indefinitely.




☆ Four eyes?? Two?? Eyebrows?? Has lil slit nose?? What is this face????

☆ His that a hood or part of his body???

☆ Why zipper???

☆ Where do his arms attach at???

☆ Why do they have sleeves?? Are they part of the body or does he have arm warmers????

☆ Face is mostly flat.

☆ (name is just bewilder but chopped at the end)

