


7 months, 9 days ago


Zarvin comes from a giant asteroid belt system known as Z-77024 and is quite the biomechanical genius 

He/him, they/them, it

- Zarvin is being chased by Dr. Roger Shortburn for stealing numerous vials of cloned mutative gene from the doctor's lab to use in his own experiments. Zarvin has plans of using these vials of genes for nefarious plans to take over The Mainworld through means of mass mutation and conquer; Dr. Roger Shortburn only has these vials for experimentation that would allow for creation of help for those with ailments, so Zarvin planning on using the vials for such a horrific thing does not sit well with him.

- Zarvin stole a strand of Professor Biggs' DNA while on a date with him and created Bugzvin using it; he created Bugzvin with the sole purpose of being a minion to him (using a strand of Professor Biggs' DNA, because he theorized the specimen would come out incredibly intelligent), however, Zarvin has ended up growing a fond attachment to Bugzvin, and counts him as his child

- Zarvin is quite the runt, and is pretty small compared to the average boa. He was ridiculed all of his life because of this, because height and stature are incredibly important to beings that live on Z-77024; he grew up with quite a complex because of this, incredibly infuriated that his intelligence means nothing on his home asteroid belt; he's grown a distaste for others, and tends to view others as below him due to his intellect

Zarvin wants to mutate the Mainworld and rule it, to show others the power he holds within his mind and knowledge of biomolecular sciences and quantum physicsÂ