
Name: Veil

ID #: 5642

Level: 30

Andrew’s Notes: “Given to me by a trainer who unfortunately couldn’t care for their Pokémon anymore, Veil is probably one of the most mild-mannered Pokémon I’ve ever met. Most Pokémon would be upset in her situation, but she understands. What’s really neat about Veil is that while she lacks the ability to use telepathy like others of her kind, she uses her cloak of feathers to aid in her hypnosis, as well as a flag in an unusual performance of the move Follow Me. And Dance moves, can’t forget about Dance moves. She loves Dance moves.”


Species: Drowzee

Nature: Mild

Ability: Forewarn

Types: Psychic-Flying

Traits: Delta (flying)

Ball: Pokéball


Evolution: Level 26 (Eligible!)

Healthy Breeding Slots: 1/1

Offspring: None


Obtained: OT Starter Roll 

Hall of Fame: Not Eligible 


Level Log:

+5 Reference 

+5 Explore (Sunset Savannah) 

+5 Explore (Mushroom Forest)

+4 Defeated Zubat (Old Ruins)

+7 Defeated Toedscool/Archen (Wild Swarm)

+4 Explore (Lush Jungle)