Farren Hirumuta



10 months, 10 days ago


Farren Hirumuta

  • Age12 / Orange Islands Arc
  • SpeciesHuman
  • GenderMale
  • Date of birthNovember 27th
  • BirthplaceFuchsia City, Kanto









  • Nighttime
  • Analyzing
  • Pokémon
  • Bitter food


  • People
  • Selfishness
  • Attention on himself
  • Loudness

A secretive and shy boy, Farren aims to become a powerful Pokémon trainer. As an orphan, Farren learned how to fend for himself early in his life, so he’s very analytical and mature for his age. Luckily, good circumstances got him in contact with his long-lost uncle, Gideon; and to give Farren a roof over his head, Gideon enrolled Farren for Uva Academy. Grateful for this chance, Farren takes his studies very seriously!


A younger Farren with Nana, his Alolan Ninetales.

Orange Islands Arc - ONGOING

Farren is an orphan boy from Fuchsia City, Kanto. Since he grew up in an orphanage, Farren didn’t have the opportunity to become a cool Pokémon trainer like other kids his age. His only contact with Pokemon was with the Safari Zone and the city’s zoo. And whenever he found a Pokémon book, he would hold on to it as long as he could!

A few months ago, Farren met a man named Gideon. The man claimed to be his uncle - his mother’s brother - so he could take Farren out of the orphanage if he desired. And of course he did! However, Gideon didn’t have time to take care of him, but he had money and contacts in Paldea. Thanks to this, he enrolled Farren for Uva Academy, so he could have a roof over his head and the opportunity to learn about Pokémon. Grateful for this chance, Farren plans on taking his studies very seriously!

However, Farren realized quickly how hard and complex Pokémon (and their battle strategies) were, so he joined the helping "Pokémon Home" club, led by Amalie Menzi.




To be continued.


Hector Melum

Friend (sees him as a mentor)

Farren and Hector became friends when they took part in a Tera Raid Battle together and went to grab a bite afterwards. Hector’s gentle nature and his amazing Pokémon knowledge caught Farren’s attention. This led him to admire Hector, and he’s honored that Hector shares his knowledge with him. And even if he doesn’t understand video games, Farren plays Minecraft with Hector and his good friend Alpin, so he could spend more time with him and ask him questions about Pokémon. Farren trusts Hector enough to tell him that he’s an orphan - he never talks about his past with anyone.


Amalie Menzi


Farren met Amalie without wanting to: they happened to be in the same Battle Studies class and she took an interest in him (and many others). She would talk about her future club to help people and Pokémon, and that was enough to catch Farren’s interest. In the end, he ended up joining the Pokémon Home club so he could learn more about Pokémon. Amalie is loud and way too sociable for her own good: normally, this would put Farren off asap, but he’s surprisingly comfortable with her, thanks to her perspective and understanding nature. She’s so optimistic and supportive: he appreciates her for it.


Celesta Silverin


Farren isn’t very close to Celesta, as they’re both secretive in their own way and they have opposite schedules: Celesta is an early bird and Farren is a night owl. However, he admires her dedication towards her anxious Psyduck: he’s happy to see someone with the same values as him. He’s interested to know her more.


Alolan Ninetales (Nana) ♀luxuryball.png

Mild | Lv. 24 | Often lost in thoughts

Nana is Farren’s main Pokémon, and they’ve known each other for a long time. She’s a gentle soul. More info coming soon!


Slowpoke (Poke) ♂pokeball.png

Lonely | Lv. 20 | Highly persistent

Poke is Farren’s second partner. Unlike common Slowpokes, Poke is very aware of his surroundings. Poke's tail is missing and it doesn't grow back, so Farren covers it with scarves made by Hector. Farren found Poke abandonned and hurt in a restaurant, when he was looking for food: the Slowpoke had its tail cut. Farren brought him to the Pokémon Center, and Poke has been on his team since then.


Cyclizar (Scott) ♂pokeball.png

Jolly | Lv. 22 | Strongly defiant

Farren met Scott in a brutal way: the cocky Cyclizar wanted to knock out Nana, so he could brag to his Cyclizar group. Even if she was 10 levels under, Nana tried to fight him off, but failed. When Scott wanted to finish her off, Farren stepped in and held him back: if he wanted to get to Nana, he’d have to go through him first! Farren’s courage and strength impressed Cyclizar, so he decided to join his team after getting his trust. This was the first time Farren caught a wild Pokémon in his life.


Ceruledge (Charka) ♀pokeball.png

Hardy | Lv. 21 | Impetuous and silly

Farren was always interested in Eleanor’s Charcadet, because of its look and personality. And Charka always liked him. In December, Charka ran away from Eleanor after they failed the Battle Studies exams: her trainer said mean things to her, and she needed to run. During the evening, Charka met Farren and Scott. When the boy realized the Charcadet ran away from its trainer, he stole Eleanor’s Pokéball, so he could keep Charka to himself. He promised her to take good care of her and make her stronger, so she could make Eleanor pay. As he has a Malicious Armor on him, Charka evolved into a Ceruledge and she grew stronger.


Pokemon #5 ♂♀

Nature | Lv. ## | Characteristic



Pokemon #6 ♂♀

Nature | Lv. ## | Characteristic


Design Notes

  • Messy, unkempt hair
  • Wears black gloves all the time.
  • Struggles to look fit and tidy.

“Trainers are meant to support their Pokémon; not the other way around. If so, then there’s something wrong with the trainer.”