Hadaki Woodlock



6 months, 26 days ago


Hadaki Woodlock

  • Age19
  • SpeciesRapterian
  • GenderMale
  • BreedTortoiseshell
  • Relationship StatusSingle


  • Shiny things
  • Magic
  • Dungeons and dragons
  • Stealing


  • Someone disapointed in him
  • Being picked on
  • Someone using his last name
  • Blaming himself for his father's death

Hadaki is a mage traveling, wanted for the illegal use of dark magic. He can be a bit of a jerk, but is a fun person to be around. He’s caring, helpful and very positive. He just wants to be accepted for who he is and to practice magic without being judged.


"Magic makes me feel like i have a place in this world"

The woodlock family

Hadaki was born into the woodlock family. A strict family that hated magic, were extremely religious and were abusive. However, thankfully his parents weren’t like that. He loved his siblings, even if his little sister picked on him. Despite his parents not being abusive, Hadaki felt pressured and thought he was never good enough and tried to make them proud in some way. His uncle, Artem Woodlock. Didn’t really like Hadaki and he was the least favorite of his siblings. He always made it clear to him he will always be different and never fit in.

The only reason he never physically harmed Hadaki was because he was the son of Adaine Woodlock, his brother. At a young age Hadaki saw all his siblings had a skill and talent for something. Fighting, engineering, sowing, but for Hadaki.. He didn’t seem to fit in and be good at anything. That’s when he found out his cousin, Vallen Woodlock, was accused of dark magic and being insane. Curious to learn about magic, Hadaki would hang out with his cousin more. He found out Vallen had the gift.. Or curse.. Of seeing spirits from the dead. Hadaki wasn’t scared or thought Vallen was crazy like the others, he was amazed. He was one of the only ones that believed Vallen wasn’t insane. However, when Hadaki and Vallen were caught together one day by Artem. He snapped at Hadaki and told him to never come near Vallen again. He was accused of encouraging Vallen to use his “evil” abilities.

When Hadaki turned into a teenager. Villagers in his town would go missing, and were found dead and torn apart the next day. Rapterians were gathered up to try and stop and find the monster killing their villagers. Hadaki’s eldest brother, Cassius, volunteered to go. Hadaki was scared for his brother and wanted to protect him, despite his mother begging him not to. He volunteered to go with Cassius. During training, the other rapterians would tease and pick on Hadaki when they found out he isn’t a good fighter. Usually Cassius would have to come in and defend him, which only made Hadaki more upset. Hadaki remembered the “magic” Vallen had, and that's when he tried alchemy to try and replicate magic. When everyone was asleep, Hadaki snuck out of the camp and practiced alchemy in the forest. Learning alchemy and trying magic was the first time Hadaki felt alive and useful.


However, his victory was cut short when Hadaki heard growling. The monster that was killing his villagers was right behind him, which turned out to be a huge bear. Hadaki hides in a log as the bear tries to eat him. The loud noise mixed with the roaring and Hadaki’s screams attracted the hunting party. They tried fighting the bear, but were not aware how huge and bloodthirsty this monster was.

Hadaki watched as rapterians were eaten alive and torn apart by the monster. Before it could get to Hadaki, Cassius defends him and is able to fend the bear away. But it was too late as the forest grounds were filled with blood and torn apart bodies.

Killing the monster and banishment

When the general found out about Hadaki's mistake. He blamed the killings on him and says he’s a disgrace to his family name and his village. After a heated argument, Hadaki runs off into the forest, vowing he will redeem himself by killing the bear himself. Hadaki uses his alchemy skills and magic to set up a trap for the bear. Meanwhile Cassius runs to Vallen, saying Hadaki went off to fight the bear alone. Vallen agrees to help his cousin. The bear makes it to Hadaki’s trap, but something goes wrong and Hadaki is almost eaten alive. Cassius and Vallen make it to the scene and are able to kill the bear before it kills Hadaki. Despite the bear now being dead, when Hadaki, Cassius, and Vallen returned home. Hadaki was greeted by grieving family members and an angry mob. Saying that he’s the reason half of the hunting party is dead. Despite Hadaki’s pleas, they banished him and say Hadaki will be arrested on sight if he’s ever seen again. He doesn’t even have a chance to see his mother and father again. Before he gets hurt, Hadaki runs off from the crowd. Hadaki began to focus his time on practicing more on magic, until he became a talented mage and alchemist. Hadaki eventually found out what happened to his father, he blamed himself. He thinks he is the cause for his family falling apart. and he’s currently trying to figure out a spell to bring his father back.. Maybe, he can be redeemed and be forgiven.


Adaine Woodlock


He loves his father and always tried making him proud in some way. When he found out that his father’s death was caused by everyone thinking Hadaki died, he never forgave himself and is trying to find a way to save him.


Cassius Woodlock

Older brother

Hadaki and Cassius argue a lot, as Cassius is more honorable while Hadaki is a rebel. But the two are willing to protect each other no matter what. Cassius visits Hadaki from time to time to make sure he’s ok.


Elizabeth Woodlock

Little sister

Elizabeth was always bossy and bossed her brothers around. Mostly Hadaki. She likes picking on him, but he’s very protective of her since she’s still his sister.


Viper Woodlock


He loves his mother and was a mama’s boy. He loved hearing stories from her about her time as a pilot. He hasn’t shown her face to her, afraid she will blame him for Adaine’s death.


Vallen Woodlock


Despite Vallen being crazy, paranoid and sleep deprived. He loves Hadaki and is willing to protect him. He lets Hadaki take shelter at his place whenever he can. Hadaki helps him and Puppeteer with their villainy missions.

Design Notes

  • Eye markings look like wings
  • Very chubby and fluffy
  • Fur is wavy and messy
  • Tortoiseshell
  • Creator@Emmikoo
  • Designer(s)@Emmikoo
  • Obtained byCreated by Emmikoo

"Magic can be a good thing if in the right paws!"