


1 year, 5 months ago




The city of Sylvrina
Last name

I don't want to be awake..

Vallen is a dangerous villain on the run that works under the leadership of his crime boss sister, the Puppeteer.

From his experience with illegal malpractice and surgery, Vallen tortures his enemies and victims to the point he's become a dangerous threat the law is trying to capture. However with his powers and inteligence, he always gets away.


Depressed • Sleep deprived • Calm

He does everything to try and make his sister smile. He has overworked himself just for her to the point where he has ruined his own mental state and health, but it's worth it for his Penny.

He has an ability that feels more like a curse. He has suffered from childhood to adulthood by seeing the corrupted forest and the corrupted dead spirits. For years they have tormented him everytime he falls asleep to the point where he can no longer sleep peacefully. He has become a silent sleep deprived zombie. Yet even with his lack of sleep, it doesn't make the voices in his head and the visions he sees go away. Even with his crippling mental state, he stays supportive, kind and calm for the people he cares about. He would rather silently suffer than have his loved ones worry for him.


  • Quiet
  • Sleep
  • Studying


  • Loud noises
  • Losing his ax
  • His power


Vallen is a killer scientist, doctor and surgeon who is hiding from the law. He is also the older brother of the evil criminal boss, Puppeteer. Vallen used to be a normal surgeon who did operations such as removing body parts, stitching wounds and would also remove any infections and bullets. People would describe him as being calm and quiet and liked to study a lot. He was a bit odd, But they never suspected Vallen of being a criminal. But what no one knew was he worked for the Puppeteer. A crime boss who isn’t at all intimidating with her appearance and condition of fragile bones, But was deadly and feared with her cunning intelligence and ability to possess dolls and people with strings alone. Vallen would kill anyone who tried betraying the Puppeteer. Anyone who tried turning her into the police would be hunted down by Vallen and be tortured until they died or promised not to tell.

Hiding from arrest

They would sometimes die to Vallen’s power of his dark dimension and talking to the dead. Sometimes the kraken would crush them like little wasps. Law enforcements eventually found the killings and after months of investigation. They pawted tracing all the evidence and killings back to Vallen. But before an arrest was made, Vallen disappeared out of the blue. There was no evidence or even a trace to where he went. For years the law searched for the insane surgeon killer who hunted down former criminals or patients. They tried interrogating victims, But because of their fear for Vallen. They stayed silent. After years of hunting down the fugitive. They lost all hope and just gave up one day. With no evidence to where Vallen disappeared to and still were caught up hunting for the Puppeteer, The law were forced to close the case and confirm Vallen as dead since no one could find him and there wasn’t a trace to where he could have gone. What the law didn’t know was this was Vallen's plan all along. Now the law would stay off his back and he could continue working for his sister off the radar. However, One law enforcer named Nero found out that Vallen was indeed not dead and hiding. Nero is a hunter for criminals and monsters. He’s Vallen’s rival and his goal is to one day capture Vallen and turn him in to face justice. Even though no one believes him with his lack of evidence. Despite his job and everyone seeing him as a heartless monster. Vallen doesn’t enjoy killing. He only does it when he needs to, for self defense and to protect the only family he has, The Puppeteer. However, He does enjoy studying. It’s one of the things that make him feel less stressed. Even though he doesn’t enjoy killing. Vallen isn’t fully sane despite his personality being quiet and a calm gentleman. He has an interest in the dead, And researches dead corpses and how spirits leave the bodies. He will also sometimes capture traitors who betrayed the puppeteer and use them for his sick experiments just so he can research and observe. Vallen and Puppeteer are the only ones who know their actual identities, They don’t even let anyone know their siblings worrying that someone will take advantage of that. One day. Puppeteer warned Vallen about a spy who she thinks works for the law and is trying to take them both down. Vallen agreed to hunt them down and after weeks of hunting and a lot of tracking, Vallen was able to find the traitor. It was a rich cat and a member of the law’s council.

Adopting Milo

Vallen realized this wouldn’t be easy to stop a council member. He had to quickly think before she hurt his little sister. Despite being known for hurting people and could have easily silenced the rich council members for good. Valllen wanted to do things his own way as he had free will of this mission and didn’t enjoy killing in the first place. Vallen decided to steal precious artifacts and hold it for ransom until she decided to keep quiet. When the council member left her home, Vallen was able to sneak in by cutting through the vents with his ax, Something he usually brings to fight and attack targets. Going through the mansion, Vallen was able to steal precious artifacts he hoped were worth bargains. When he was finished with his loot and snuck out of the mansion. Vallen noticed one of the bags in his loot was moving. Curious and confused, He opens the bag and to his shock, It’s a little fox. Vallen panics. He didn’t want to kidnap anyone and wanted to do it without harming anyone. But before Vallen can return the baby fox back. Guards realize that the mansion has been robbed and are able to spot Vallen. Vallen was able to get away after years of experience and running away. He gets back to his lab that’s hidden in a dark alley way of an outskirt city. He lives there as law enforcers are disgusted by the place and barely go there. Vallen looks down at the kid he accidentally stole. He was so busy running away he didn’t realize the child was hugging his tail. Vallen tried pulling his tail away, But the kid cuddled his long fluffy tail and immediately fell asleep on it with a small smile of comfort. Vallen was stunned and didn’t know what to do. The only person who ever showed him love was the Puppeteer, But this child felt safe enough with him that he felt comfortable enough to fall asleep. Vallen looked at the blanket the child was wrapped in, noticing fonts in white on the blanket and it read, Milo. That was the little fox’s name. Vallen tried bringing the kid back, but the mansion was now secured because of his break-in and police were aware of the situation, searching for the culprit. He couldn’t break back in without being arrested or killed on the spot. Ever since that day, Vallen and the Puppeteer have taken care of the fox, Milo. Raising him and teaching him everything they knew about hiding so Milo would never be taken away from them. Milo grew up watching Vallen continue his job, and instead of watching him horrified. He was inspired and wanted to be just like him. Milo became Vallen's apprentice and wants to be everything like him, As for the council member. Vallen and the Puppeteer assumed she stayed quiet after being robbed. Vallen seems heartless and emotionless, But he does have some sanity in him. He doesn’t like killing, and loves Milo and Puppeteer. He will do anything for them, Even if it means to kill your enemy

• Puppeteer

His sister is one of the only happiness he has left in life. Without her he would completely give up. He made a promise to himself he would always protect her and he does. Even if it's slowly ruining him.

• Void

There was a time when Void and Vallen were best friends. They were both trained under Vallen's former mentor. However, when Vallen practiced learning surgery and the studies of death. Void was terrified and didn't have the stomach for it anymore. Void left in a time Vallen needed him the most. Already dealing with an abusive household. They are now enemies and while Vallen doesn't hate him. He's hurt for being left behind.

• Milo

Milo was accidentally stolen from his mother by Vallen when he was too young to remember. Vallen tried to return him back but would have got caught if he did. Vallen brought him back to Puppeteer, and they both agreed to raise the kid. Now Vallen is teaching Milo just like how his mentor taught him everything. Milo keeps Vallen in good company and is one of the only things keeping him sane. Milo doesn't know about his past and Vallen would rather keep it that way, afraid to lose him.
