The dragon



6 months, 26 days ago


King Soren
The former dragon king
The dragon king of the dead
"When people say impossible, they usually mean improbable."

The former king of the dragon rapterians and now a corrupted spirit. Soren is a huge dragon rapterian who resides in a huge cave in the corrupted forest. The cave is filled with many treasures and gold he collects and keeps. He’s known for being annoying for his sarcasm and ego, and a lot of the spirits don’t like him. However, no one can deny he’s one of the biggest and most powerful of the forest. SOren always talks about one day he will reclaim his throne to the dragon rapterians and take back his place as the dragon king.

Adventurous . Sarcastic . Egotisical

Soren is an adventurous, fun loving, Sarcastic and a bit egotistical dragon that is always causing trouble. He’s considered to be one of the biggest and most powerful spirits of the forest and takes pride in it. He absolutely loves bragging how powerful and amazing he is and telling stories of his time as a king. A lot of the spirits don’t like and avoid Soren because he usually only talks about himself. With all of this ego, you would think the dragon king is a cruel evil ruler. Nope! He’s actually very friendly, just in his own way. Even if he’s not the best at it, he does his best to at least try and cheer his friends up and do something nice for them. When he was king, despite the bad choices he made, he genuinely cared and did everything he could to protect his loving subjects. Everyday he worries how his kingdom is doing without him, and hopes one day to return.

  • Soren collects gold because he likes making jewlery in his free time.
  • Soren loves resting in the sunlight, so sometimes he usually leaves the forest to the living world to enjoy it.
  • Soren has a norse accent.
  • Sleeping in the sunlight.
  • Talking about himself.
  • Showing his strength.
  • Crafting.
  • Getting called out on his ego.
  • Someone backing from a fight.
  • Memories of his past.
  • Getting called the former king.