
Name: Oleander

ID #: 8164

Level: 13

Andrew’s Notes: ”Oleander is a playful, clever Pokémon, always poking around her surroundings and sticking her nose into places where she doesn’t belong - sometimes literally. Oleander adores puzzle toys, even if Rubix cubes make her scream (which is fair, they make me want to scream too) in a way only other vulpine Pokémon can. Word of advice: pet with gloves. And please don’t ask.”


Species: Nickit/Maractus  

Nature: Careful

Ability: Stakeout

Types: Grass-Dark 

Traits: Hybrid

Ball: Strange Ball


Evolution: Not Evolving

Healthy Breeding Slots: 2/2

Offspring: None


Obtained: Lab Egg

Hall of Fame: Not Eligible 


Level Log: 

+5 Reference 

+3 Defeated Misdreavus (Old Ruins)

+4 Defeated Skitty (Old Ruins)

+1 Defeated Porygon (Old Ruins)