


7 months, 10 days ago


Hoopa was once incredibly powerful, and when they lost said power, it nearly drove them mad searching for a way to regain it. But hope was reignited when they found out about Eternatus, who had been dormant for ages, storing pure power. After successfully finding and waking it, Hoopa discovered that Eternatus merely being awake drained energy from the Mirror Continent itself; though Hoopa cared very little for the inhabitants of the land. Striking a deal, Hoopa promised to assist Eternatus in regaining the energy it needed to achieve its Max forme, if Eternatus, in return, shared its power to restore that which Hoopa lost.

They attempted, once, to create Eternamax; but a lack of proper energy left Eternatus weak, and the Mirror Continent a wasteland for over a century. However, when a successful settlement had been established on the Mirror Continent, Echo Outpost, Hoopa realized that allowing the civilization to grow anew could be the perfect source of energy to leech off of, and later completely consume. They just had to wait.

At present, Eternatus and Hoopa's waiting has paid off, as they almost have enough energy to attempt forming Eternamax again. While the Mirror Continent has been thriving for decades, the weather has been getting just a bit harsher, as Eternatus is eager to reform. These conditions have led the Sheriff and Deputy of Echo Outpost, Sol and Percival, to search for some kind of solution, in order to keep the town safe. Hoopa, seeing the potential to reach their goal even faster, formed a plan to trick the two into giving Eternatus just what it needed.

Under the guise of "protecting Echo Outpost", Hoopa brought the two into a deal: Provide sacrifices to Eternatus, a pokemon eager to destroy whatever was in it's path, and the town would be safe from harm. Sol and Percival, while they did not like or particularly trust this deal, saw that there was no other option, and agreed- with the stipulation that they only bring Hoopa outlaws and criminals. Hoopa agreed, and gave them both a ring to communicate with them. However, this did not stop Hoopa from eventually adding more pressure as the flow of outlaws being brought to them slowed down.

Now, Hoopa is antsy to get their power back, and has been pressuring Sol and Percy even harder to provide sacrifices. Victory seems to be within reach...