Salvador Larkspur



6 months, 29 days ago

Basic Info




Mexican American

Best Music Genres

Disco, Soul, Funk, Samba, Jazz, Mambo


Chronic Smoker

Favorite Way to Maim

Pulling the still-beating heart out of someone's chest cavity



Salvador is is a ruthless and violent villain, leading over an army of henchmen with an iron fist. He is built like a bull, and has the temper of one. He is a great commander, but a lousy father and husband.

Constantly upset over something, he seems to enjoy himself only when he's inflicting pain on others, or wrecking havoc. He considers himself to be evil incarnate. Has a sense of humor and likes to be the center of attention.

Salvador has an imposing presence and is adamant he is always right. He is flamboyant and charismatic, but emotionally stunted and insensitive. He claims that he has never cried. 

He lives in the suburbs with his second-in-command/wife, Frank, and their three children, for whom he has great ambitions. He has a complicated relationship with his partner, but Frank is still the closest person in his life.

They are the only people that he feels genuine love for, but he refuses to get too attached. Otherwise he'd be a bad villain.

He struggles with separating his personal life from his profession, and he ends up barking orders to everyone around him, at all times. He only takes his mask off when he's showering or sleeping.


The superhero-villain business has taken a never-seen before dip. Power-hungry Salvador, that dreams of becoming president and conquering the world, is forced to downsize his team and villain base.

His marriage is falling apart at the seams, his eldest daughter has lost interest in villainy, while the younger one seems to not understand evilness at all.

He doesn't want to admit that his aspirations might be a bit unrealistic, instead choosing to brute-force his way towards his goal. His life is crumbling, but he refuses to see the signs.